The true successor to the SWAT series and truly one of the best experiences of the year. If you don’t like tactical shooters don’t -lay them - no need for an 80o word article
The true successor to the SWAT series and truly one of the best experiences of the year. If you don’t like tactical shooters don’t -lay them - no need for an 80o word article
Eventually schools will need to add “propaganda filtering” to their curriculum:
A slur is a slur no matter who it’s aimed at. The target being white people doesn’t make it somehow okay.
For those of you that don’t want to watch the video: White lady has just bumped into 15-year old, who didn’t take it well. White lady is getting berated by the girl and what appears to be her mom. White lady is standing there, silent, taking it. White lady says, “you’re blocking me from getting to my car” (they…
So, anyone going to link the video from the other perspective? The one where she has bumped into them, gets harassed and threatened, tries to leave, gets stopped and THEN pulls the gun? No? Okay, I will.
The only objective standard I can think of for determining what the “correct” age should be, is to use the age at which science has found the brain stops developing, which is around 25 years of age.
They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.
Before I even read any of the comments.
They dropped a piece of Nintendium a thousand feet? What kind of damage did the ground take?
It’s sad that more people here seem to be spending time shitting on Dawkins than actually talking about the substance of the interview. That’s OK: those bitter tears are simply delicious.
This was an realy interesting Interview and what I call games journalism. thank you for that. Really hope he will reach his goal^^
Considering that the game is set in a time period around the late late 60's early 70's the feminist protests and fire the black police would fit into the scenario, this isn’t a game that is made in 2016 about police in 2016 rather a game made in 2016 about police from another era.
You should change the headline - even if just for this woman's sake - yes, she had an abortion but she did so for a very specific reason and it's click bait to leave the headline as is. I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.
With Gawker filing for bankruptcy, are you guys going to be able to spin kotaku off onto its own site?
Incalculable valid reasons to criticize the ever-living f*ck out of this dev, the fact that they’re likely from a non-English country isn’t one of them.
Read the article, sjw. That’s not why they are angry...
Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”
Her costume is based on real life japanese female wrestlers, who wear exactly that type of stuff. Just because a culture is foreign to you it doesnt become “ridiculous”