
Cool dude.

I said before, I'll say it again:

That engine looks like the Love Child of a Cylon and a Flux Capacitor!!!

A little weird, but still the most beautiful & artistic surface treatments I think I've ever seen. Chris Bangle, eat your flame-surfaced heart out, biznatch.

Mid 60s to Early 70s anything, esp. Euro.

Buick, because they actually used to hold a few land speed records. -??? (it's true)

-Or Option 3: Buck's Truck From "Kill Bill Vol. 1"

Ah, the good old days!

@Spence: You need to stop smelling your own farts.

There are already even odds in Vegas that the new Ford turbo motors will blow up within 3 months of use.

Holy Borat, Batman! That was one sweet smacketh downeth of an email.

In my experience, there is a HUGE amount of incompetence in the psychology field, so if you go to any therapist, keep your wits about you and only give them the respect & benefit of doubt they Earn.

YES. -because we care; most people don't.

NEW. YORK. CITTAH! -especially those driving Mercedes.

@PICKLES_IN_MY_TUNA: I Nominate pickles_in_my_tuna to be burned at the stake (-or at least Very soundly paddled) for comparing Al to Nick Hogan, or for using those two names in the same breath.