
On tracks & flats, where you're only killing yourself? -No.

First the Vanquish, then the V8 Vantage, now this; I think I will die!

Web 2.0, Blogosphere culture, Ben & Mena's Love Child: Movable Type, etc.

(Cayman sort-of excepted) Porsches stopped being cool back in 1987.



(sounds like someone just got out of physics 101 class. And as if it needs to be explained why UCF_Chris is full of crap...)

Kevin Federline + John Lillison + Bob Ross + Donald Trump + Yoko Ono + Herve Villechaize + Ben Affleck + Michael Bolton.

Thought about it. 1x or 2x I felt someone quite deserved a thermite hood ornament. But no, I trust in Karma.

jee-zus! If you didn't tell me, I would've thought he was driving with a spun bearing.

Hehehe! :) Richaard; -silly boy!

Not using a weighted average = Silly. Not a lot of miles traveled on supercars, vs. the aforementioned f-150.

Outrage Sir! -I say; Outrage!

Driving a Lambo is like the weird science of bringing a pornstar date to the highschool prom. -And I respect that they had to be those crazy-ass "look-at-me" cars, b/c Ferrari was so dominant.