Womp Thing

There's definitely one stand out one that I can not for the life of me remember the name or plot of, that my mind must have blocked it out, so I'll have to go with Lady in the Water. I remember dragging my friends, saying M. Night had something good here and the trailers looked really interesting, and then we got…

Why is everybody in Hollywood so stupid?

I fucking loved that tattoo removal part in, what? Season 4? Like they were just like "This is going to be terribly stupid no matter how we do it, but we can't have this guy in a makeup chair for hours before a shoot anymore, and people wanna see his chest."

i didn't realize they were 95 years old

Bought an amplified antenna, and for whatever reason my non-amplified one of the same style gets better reception and more channels.

yeah I kept getting the feeling I should be enjoying this more than I do. Really light on plot. I still enjoyed it enough, but I'll never watch it again, and I like Fargo MUCH better.

Ok then

Side note, did Hawley have as much a hand in this as he did the other two seasons? This coming out so close to Legion, guy has to be damned busy.

I know of nothing but Detroit based sculptures. Far as I know, a sculpture has never been placed in the confines of NYC.

or i'll just watch the fuckin thing.

they keep postponing it, for like years. The devil goat statue was unveiled in detroit but then moved I think.

Or con black men into a new form of slavery with the aforementioned ass

They're both terrible.

Fuck any store bought homogenized beef jerky. Once you've had good quality made jerky, you'll never buy that shit ever again

Cocaine's a helluva drug

Remember when conspiracy theories were fun?

1) I didn't make it
2) Don't you come at Bianca like that

Something tells me this systems going to send them STRAIGHT TO THE TOP!

Nope, thought it was made up