
She wound up moving me when it was clear I was going to make an issue of it or carry through with my threat. :-)

Yeah, I can imagine that being a no fun scenario at all. Glad Disney did what they could to make it right for you from their end. That’s a company that does seem to just get it as far as customer experience and service goes.

I can tell you that in the last two years I have on maybe 40 percent of check-ins NOT taken my shoes off while in the normal line i.e. not Pre. And in most instances there was both a conventional metal detector and a back scatter machine - and you were randomly sent through one or the other.

Airlines get a ton of business from business and corporate travelers who pack light and do a lot of traveling. No way they mess with that.

I saw this first on Reddit as i’m sure millions of others did as well.

Let’s say this is the primary cause of the long lines, for the sake of discussion.

I fly three to four times a year and it seems every time the rules are different: shoes on or off, laptops out or not, a tablet is or is not a laptop. No signs explaining what to do. And half of the TSA employees stand around doing nothing.