Kanye East

Your logic is that all the “fans” want the old school turn based game which is not true at all. There are a lot of people, myself included that do not miss it. Name one JRPG that still uses the old turn based system and is wildly successful.

Did you just call me an ass for disagreeing with you and standing up for my point?

Also, you do realize it’s possible for someone to both watch Let’s Plays AND play video games as well?

For “I could not clear level 6-2 because I kept dying.” to match that definition, the event would have to be interesting to someone else.  So, your point is that watching others play video games is interesting, I take it?  Good point, then. 

God, you really are so fucking thick.

I would argue that people who watch others play video games don’t like video games at all.” 

One thing I’m not sure of after reading your article (which is fabulous, by the way, thanks for laying all this out) — how are they making money on this?

Are the games free to play?  Are they doing microtransactions?  I’m just curious where the money from this is coming in... doesn’t seem like you could sell skins

I mean... the Dr. Disrespect thing has been plastered all across sites like this for two weeks now.

the doctor disrespect getting twitch banned for a week at e3 for livestreaming from a bathroom and accidentally(?) filming a 10 year old kid in the bathroom, thing. if you click through they do a longform(sometimes very longform) explanation of what they are talking about.

You prefer CHASM? And shit on all those great games? You truly have the hottest of takes. Enjoy the momentary attention.


Yeah, cheating on his wife with a fan, and breaking laws on stream is totally “just a character” and doesn’t in any way signal to young viewers that this behavior is cool /s

Punishment enough? Being as he filmed himself commiting a crime, I’d say not having the cops involved means he’s getting off incredibly easily.

Will you fuck off. You can bitch when we have actual info...

They misread or misunderstood the original post and like many on the Internet lack the maturity to admit when they’re wrong.

It’s almost like Nintendo, GameFreak, and The Pokemon Company are more interested in the 6 year old demographic for their game series about preteens playing with cute magical cuddle monsters than they are about the 25 to 35 year old demographic for some insane reason.

On top of the fact that 3rd strike had a system specifically designed to make super inputs easier. It’s where “piano-ing,” became popular. In 3s when you go for a super, you can hit all 3 of the kick buttons for Chun’s super in succession, then release them one after another, and the game will read this as six

The video game meaning of “hitbox” is irrelevant trivia in the context of this article.

It's probably worth noting that hit box branded boxes and self-built ones using the brooks fighting board all have last-input-wins SOCD cleaners built in, and thus do not really exhibit weird behaviour.

It’s not that simple. It’s a fairly complex topic that is dived into pretty deeply. Summing it up would just leave out so much. It would be like trying to summarize music theory by just giving someone some chords. And I can't imagine it would make for a good read. It's really ment to be watched, or even just listened