Kanye East

The shoehorning of bosses into games where they’re not needed (hello Deus Ex) I can agree with but dropping all bosses? Some genres absolutely thrive upon their boss battles. Imagine Dark Souls without bosses...

I am one of those people who feels that boss fights should now be confined to the gaming history books forever as the concept has been largely outgrown by the medium.

re. player controllers, thanks, I learned something new today.

Ah yes, the old hate on PewDiePie bandwagon. You know I don’t care for his videos, or the way he presents himself and I don’t watch him but...

Noooo, they are getting rid of MAG fucking NETO. Who else will I be able to get a couple scoops of Haagen-daiz with! I guess I will have to stick to pringles.

It sounds like Samsung Galaxy...

3D World isn’t a side scroller, either.

I kind of liked my Unholy DK’s, where after reaching Artifact Knowledge 6, I had a chance that one of the Army of the Dead I summoned from both the skill of the same name and Apocalypse would be special and drop a tome afterwards, which would lead me to Icecrown Citadel to find a hidden passage leading to an NPC I had

While at the same time they have to put classrooms in libraries, boiler rooms and closets, and are switching some schools to year round schedules to offset vacations because they literally do not have enough room for all the kids that need to go to school in the county. One would think a population explosion could be

Why dont you pick the support then?

I can’t watch dunkey because he’s black.

Depending on who you ask, it’s showed signs of slowing, but for now, despite the intensity of the Dota 2 community, it’s still far and away the bigger scene.

Nah, HoTS is a niche MOBA. The only other game that is an actual threat to LoL is DotA2.

Widowmaker is half-French, and half-spider, you fucking Trump-voting bigot.

Uh what arcades did you EVER go to? Old school Chinatown Fair was the definition of non stop trash talk, and physical fighting has occurred on multiple occasions. This is not exclusive to Smash.

It’s about ethics in football journalism, dammit!

Yes! If we all just drank the invisible sky monster kool-aid, we could finally put this nonsense behind us.
How about if they all drank the critical thinking kool-aid? Where can I get enough of that to hose down all these assholes who have never even gotten a taste of what it feels like to be treated like a sub-human

I heard LeSean McCoy has taken his place in many of the endorsements.

Where did you get that population number? The population was 584,378 back in 2010 and that is the actual City of Las Vegas, not including the surrounding areas. Greater Las Vegas population is closer to 2M based on the 2013 census.