
At least it looks great and has that John Barry score, nice travel porn, an army of gorgeous master women, and an all-time opening stunt.
It was the first Bond movie I saw in a theater, too, and had explosions and spaceships.

Expect the unexpected!

I will always go to bat for MWTGG, for the reasons you mentioned, and because it has a sleazy, dirty vibe, and nobody particularly seems to like James Bond, who also seems pissed. It is the crap assignment he gets (solar agitator?) when there aren't any warheads missing.

I always like Spy Who Loved Me. He simply shoots him dead.

Not only is the elevator irregular and cramped, but the observation area consists of little windows where you're essentially leaning over them staring out and down. And it felt like it would tip over if everyone shifted to your side. It made me queasy as a kid.

I have favorite songs off every album but BTB is hands down the best for me. The back half is just ridiculously strong.

He also directed Best Seller, which is one of James Woods' stand-out 80's films.

My sisters best friend had one hand down the garbage disposal when she dropped her cell phone on the on switch. She kept her hand but my sister said she was scrubbing blood off the kitchen ceiling and walls for like a week.

Same here. My teacher (who was from Great Britain and had a heavy, heavy accent) asked me to spell "brigand," but of course pronounced it "bree-gone." Eliminated on the third letter. I cried foul, to no avail.

Good point. Ric Ocasek has joked that their first album is their greatest hits album now. The same holds true for Van Halen 1 and the first Boston album - only a few tracks were "hits" but they've all been AOR staples for decades.

For most of my lifetime, I always thought it was just Ric, and I still can't really tell the difference between the two on most songs.

I've always felt that Dirty Harry might be one of the stealth most influential movies of the last 50 years (Halloween is my other one) and it is nice to see Noel make a case for that possibility.
I also think that it is an almost perfect action movie that (like the original First Blood) isn't quite sure what it is

I think it is the only sequel that matches the first one in capturing a kind of tired, desperate early 70's social malaise that makes the films work… Also, it has Hal Holbrook, more kickass Schifrin music, and a wild, reckless car chase that I never see mentioned anywhere (Dirty Harry can't drive for shit!). It was

My mom's neighbor told me the same a long time ago - he was on a soap opera or some such and all she could see was the Scorpio killer and his creepy blue eyes.

After this movie, All the President's Men, Capricorn One, Star Chamber, you name it, I would be very paranoid around Hal.

I had four of those "Men of Action" Dirty Harry paperbacks pictured above when I was a kid, and had forgotten them until now. Nice find.
They were ridiculously gory and ultra-violent. City of Blood, for example, was about a rich businessman who (after a lurid sex scene) butchers two prostitutes and then burns down

It's been one of my favorite films for many years, and when I finally saw it in a theater, the audience (which was a little older) clapped at the end, which was nice.

I was just in London for my first time and happened to see that Lawrence of Arabia was playing in 70 mm. Exhausted after sight-seeing all day, I was not sure a 4 hr movie I'd seen many times was the best use of my time, but it was worth it. I'd have been kicking myself if I had skipped it.

There was laughter when I saw ACO in a theater, but what was mystifying was this:
(SPOILER) at a 2001: ASO screening, when the space-pod creeps up on Poole and cuts his lifeline, sending him careening into space, some young woman burst into loud hysterical laughter. Guy in front of me shakes his head and says,

Just by chance was able to catch LOA in 70 mm at the Prince Charles in London last month. Lot of fun and definitely worth it.