
I love blasting "Feeling Stronger;" it is massive.

I always liked the "Dirty Harry" videodisc artwork (the multiple Clints) and wished they had used it elsewhere.

Any mention of videodiscs or Selectavision makes me instantly nostalgic. I spent a lot of downtime as a kid at the mall at Sears or Burdines flipping through their bins of discs for sale; they made a pleasing clacking sound, and I can even remember how they smelled. They also had big, cool cover art (usually based

No film makes crime look like a dead-end, dirty, crappy way of life than Eddie Coyle.

This was actually well done and made me laugh.
That said, would also have liked to have seen 1. Deliverance mountain man; 2. Scorpio killer; 3. Jaws; 4. the other Jaws; in the famous smiles dept. Maybe part two.

Sudden Impact is the one where they can't make Sondra Locke the villain, so they literally phone in a psychopath from another state for the last quarter of the film.

I also like that it drops Harry into a sort of proto-70's conspiracy thriller; see, the authorities really are out to get him! Nice reversal.
I agree it's the best of the sequels, I think because it's the only that captures the "everything is falling apart" malaise of the original. And Hal Holbrook.

Agree about Diamonds, and that it's basically a Moore-era Bond with Connery in it, only somehow worse. Only redeeming part is location footage of old Las Vegas.

I am a pack rat and would love to unload stuff, but sometimes, you just don't know.
I recently spent over two weeks retrieving and scanning old photos (70 years worth) from all over to put together a slide show for my father's funeral reception. It was grueling, and I thought I was wasting my time, but people sat there

The Zombies "Time of the Season"

I enjoyed the movie too, but the title made me laugh harder. When it was first announced, I could not help laughing for like minutes at a time every time I thought of it. Seriously.

Most of the stunts were done practically, but … then composited digitally. Which is why they may look CGI anyway. I get what you're saying.

Favorite as a kid was "She," but might be "Words" now.

God I hate this one. I swear Train heard wasted females singing along in unison to "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Sweet Caroline" in every bar I've ever set foot in, and decided, "Hey, let's write one of those!" And succeeded. The worst, most pandering piece of shit I've ever heard.

It's the old Port Tampa, a historic shipping/railway area which was essentially abandoned when they dredged up the "new" Port of Tampa downtown many years ago.
I'm 43 and a Tampa native and that area has been dilapidated and sketchy as long as I've been around. Give us 50-100 more years, we'll fix 'er up.
Anyway, it's

Seriously, glad you enjoyed yourself. Come back for Guavaween or the Gasparilla invasion/parade next time.

Jai Alai is definitely my favorite, but I have to be careful drinking it.

I think he means "south of Gandy Blvd." south Tampa, which definitely could be.

Cigar City Brewing, Mons Venus, kickass Cuban sandwiches… basically all we got!

With no rights to the SOTL characters forthcoming, it wouldn't have surprised me to see Fuller retcon Chilton into an angry serial killer looking for a skin suit.