
So by this point in the show's timeline, blade Runner has already limped its way from the theaters.

Mail Robot took an undeserved beat down from Gaad, maybe he's digging this.

Most disturbing for me was still the Season 1 taser-then paralysis-then-slow bleed-out, but this one slammed the door shut on me for Elizabeth, we're no longer friends. I know, it only took three seasons of murderous hijinks…

Upvoted for "SOTSC." Song can never get enough love from me.

Me too, this was definitely a bucket-list show for me. And RJD was crushing it.

I watched a friend try to pull that one off at karaoke one night - he didn't know what he was getting into - and he was gasping for air by the end.

You're right - it's the easiest way to rock your standard issue pentatonic licks when you're stuck with a major key.

That song is ridiculously sophisticated for an untrained 20-something to write.

I think "Summer Soft" is another one that just keeps climbing. Amazing how he pulls that off.

There's no key change in "Hey Jude."

I agree with plenty of water (if you can remember) and some aspirin (if you can find some) before going to sleep after a bender. If I forgot and woke up with a hangover, the damage was done: only time (and maybe some more cold beer to dull the ache) helped.
That was when I was in my 20's. Now I am in my early 40's

Honestly, I thought the humor was that the song *did* go on way too long.

I'd say somewhere between a Phil Hartman and Bryan Cranston look.

Same here. They wouldn't come calling for us until an hour after the streetlights went on.

Me too, but, pre-vcrs and cable, I remember them being advertised all week on network tv as their big blockbuster "Movie of the Week" or "Sunday Night Movie," sometimes with extra footage padding. As a kid, I was suitably impressed, but were adults? Or even then did they think, "Airport 77? That piece of shit?"

The motorcycle stunt fail is a thing of beauty.

See, I was sure all he wants to do is "is."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder… And that's all I want to do…"
WTF does that even mean?

I wonder who is America's 2nd most lethal sniper in American history? Could they have made a movie about him instead, and not the guy who wrote the self-aggrandizing book, and made a heroic and thoughtful portrait of PTSD?

As much as I love Woods' string of 80's films, there is something to this. But I think he is comparable to someone like Cagney, who is also a "force of nature" actor, not a method type. He needs a role to channel his energies. Or he starts twittering again, I guess.