Wolf Blitzer's Beard Culture

PSA Reminder: If you become famous for any reason, don’t do an AMA under the same account/username you use when talking about shit you jerked off to. Really not that hard, folks.

that’s just it, “center-right” is NOT all of those things...

Shit just got real.

It’s gotta be Wallace Shawn. That would be awesome.

Excellent satire! Lololllolollol

Do you have a source?

I cannot find any evidence that the hack came from the Russian state, just that the hackers speak Russian and the hackers are based in Russia.

But to claim that is the Russian state is just McCarthyism fear. If Average Joe American Hacker hacked United Russia or the CPRF, no one would claim that

She’s as obstinate as Obama, but her policies are more like Bush’s war-happy horseshit where we fuel the economy through blood. She works with Obama cuz she has to; she pals around with George and his family.

Well, to be fair, she is NOT pro-free education. You are confusing her with Bernie. She has NEVER claimed she’d push for FREE education. She mentions “greater access” to education, which is politician for “yeah, I hear you want free shit, and I hope that pans out for ya, but I got other concerns like paying back

By “her actual policies” do you mean the ones she added recently for her “public policies” or the ones she’s been pushing forever as part of her “private policies”? Cuz the “public policies” are worth less than the paper they aren’t written on. If you read the emails you get to see her “private policies”, AKA the

William Shatner.

Pretty sure most HRC voters are voting for her because that’s what they’re being told to do by the DNC.

Gilbert Gottfried.

or more accurately, “As long as politicians need to court big banks/wall street, they’ll never reach/do right by their base.”

it was implied.

for starters, policies of ‘mass deportation, mass incarceration, fracking, endless and in HRC’s case, expanded war, serving the 1% at the expense of the 99%’ certainly wouldn’t be described as “imperfect”

“Clinton is an extremely polished politician and her team has been working furiously down to the last detail to get her elected.”

Comes from Russia does not mean it comes from Russia the state.

What happened to critical reading.

“i’m center-right” is nothing?

in other words, you don’t beleive anything negative reported about HRC. sounds familiar...

I would hope they were capable of obtaining information outside of CNN.. Just because CNN didn’t air it, doesn’t mean it’s fake!