Wolf Blitzer's Beard Culture

By having a fingerprint unlock, you’re also giving Apple a copy of your fingerprint to store in their servers. Technically, law enforcement doesn’t need to smash your finger on the phone to unlock it.

Jokes on them if you get a dumb phone instead. Nokia dumb phones are worth an arm and a leg now on the black market, in part because of this.

The FBI didn’t think it was a viable threat because they didn’t arrest them.

I didn’t say they’re plotting to shoot Christians. I said that they hold beliefs that law enforcement should arrest them for, according to your views.

Is this different because she’s wearing a wig? A wig getting caught in a fan doesn’t hurt like it’s her real hair, or in this case ear.

If their solution is to kick misbehaving students out, then why does their homepage say their curriculum is geared towards them?

If they don’t live in the inner cities, then where do they live? I’m willing to bet money they don’t live in Trump Tower.

Understand this you dipshit: we’re talking about wild bee populations.

Really? Maybe you need to attend a Hillary fundraiser then, to hear her talk about the idiot basement dwellers who want free handouts and want to turn the US into Scandinavia.

As shocking as it may be to you, Colorado FBI doesn’t charge people for vague things you imagine they’re going to do, just because they hold odious views.

No one in the group posted anything targeting a specific school, let alone Boulder Prep. Maybe you could use remedial education as well, since reading comprehension falls short.

We’re not talking about farmed bees, dumbass. We’re talking about native bee populations that are wild pollinators. Wild bee populations are declining

Since when is the phrase “special needs” code for developmentally delayed or retarded.

Actually they were arrested because they did target a specific apartment complex occupied by Somali immigrants. From the Assistant AG himself:

I didn’t say it had the same extension. I’m saying I think that it’s unfair for private/charter schools to expel students for doing things that are not illegal.

Why doesn’t the school have any culpability in this? Kids spend about 8 hours a day in that environment.

Bee populations (not just in Hawaii, but worldwide) have been in decline for decades, since the 1950s when pesticide use became more widespread. Newsflash, pesticides kill bees and cause insect-specific diseases. The only place where bee populations haven’t tanked is rural China and similar countries where pesticides

So long as a kid is required to be in school, the state can’t “insist” that a kid be homeschooled or get a GED.

“Alternative school” and juvie is a distinction without a difference. Both are holding pens until the kid is no longer legally required to be in a school.

Charter schools are de facto private schools. They are not required to abide by any of the restrictions placed upon public schools with regard to hiring, admitting students, etc.