
Looks like my comment is back, though for some reason the moderators decided I shouldn't be allowed to delete the years, which aren't particularly accurate anyway.

Hey, I liked The Last Stand.

I have no idea. My only guess is that I tried to edit the post one too many times. (I was just deleting some extraneous stuff, cleaning up formatting, etc.)

I was lucky to catch A Touch of Sin. It was a very late addition to the AFI Silver's schedule, and I almost didn't notice they were showing it in time to catch it.

I think I tried to edit my comment too many times or something. I was just deleting extraneous stuff and adding a link, I swear!

Commenters Assemble!

Yeah, I'm really hoping to see Stray Dogs on the big(gish) screen, too.


Interesting. It's very deliberately artificial in the beginning, but actually changes tone quite a bit as it goes along. I can't say for sure it will be your thing—I'm a big fan of Resnais, so it is mine—but it may be worth another shot.

Oh, I saw that! And that only showed once, I believe, meaning we were indeed at the same screening!

I went on Saturday, so no. Have you seen anything else in the EU Fest?

Argh, so it is a double post? Because I can only see one version of my comment.

Staring blankly at a Thai stripper, most likely.

Damn, apparently Disqus ate my comment. Sorry if this is a double post:

I really, really hope I get a chance to see Norte on a big screen.

It played at AFI twice as part of the European Union Film Festival

I've kept a running list of every 2013 movie I've seen on Letterboxd (linked above), and for my own purposes I rank it, which is a really bad idea because I fixate on the rankings even though they are completely meaningless.

Speaking of prog-influenced instrumental rock, I got to see Goblin live this year!

It doesn't come out in the US until next year. I got to catch a festival screening, though, and I loved it.

granted,there is a nifty dwarf demon scene,but that movie is borrrrrrrrrr-ing.