
I assume the show's title, "Welcome to Sweden," refers exclusively to commenter @Sweden:disqus .

Nick Offerman hand-carved that tweet from the stump of an old maple tree.

Perhaps more interestingly, Amy Poehler is making a show in Sweden with her brother, Aubrey Plaza, Gene Simmons, and Patrick MOTHERFUCKING Duffy.

I was all set to watch that movie the other day only to find it had perished in the Great Netflix Fire of 2013.

I like the way Will italicized so many words in this transcript. Really captures Cryer's trademark overemphatic whininess.

One of the reasons I love So I Married an Ax Murderer is because my heed is like Spootnik, spherical but quite pointy in parts.

Or possibly the opening scene of Batman Forever.

I just inadvertently wrote an eerily similar comment, except with John Cage in place of Bull of Heaven.

Six hours? Try 639 years, you pussies!

@avclub-ca8e4b363f85fdb30c00a0ad943cf6f4:disqus Yeah, "corporate douchebag" was deeply embedded in Ryan's soul yearning to break free, just as much as "meth kingpin" was always embedded in Walter White's.

Yeah, it took me a long time to come back to the show after the first few episodes, which I absolutely hated. And I was very much primed to like the show, since I was a huge fan of the BBC series and of Steve Carell. I didn't come back to the show until the summer between the 4th and 5th seasons, when I watched the

I agree with this 100%. My two favorite sleep aid shows.

Breakin' 3: Superman IV, Part 2: The Quest for Electric Boogaloo

And Real Steel was just Over the Top with robots.

It's difficult for me to break up Scorsese into tiers because I like nearly every one of his movies and love many of them. I can see a good argument for why almost any of them could be considered "major."

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore is definitely overlooked by me, since it's only one of two Scorsese non-documentaries that I haven't seen. (The other is Boxcar Bertha.)

@avclub-7aeafc8dfc74ae4e9bdfb0c0b6d0ea8d:disqus Wow, maybe you're right. Putting in "Worth a Look" tier is definitely underrating it. Despite what I said above, I'd probably place it in the Highly Recommended tier.

Especially if it's the version from Trans.

I'd say it's definitely underseen. Not totally sure that it's underrated, since most people who have seen it tend to rate it pretty high (as would I — it's probably the Scorsese film I've watched the most, in fact). But it's also somewhat less ambitious than Scorsese's greatest films.