
This is why I've drifted away from the site. It has basically turned into a TV site, with film, music, and book coverage feeling pretty perfunctory. To be honest, I'm actually kind of glad to see the film people splintering off into a (presumably) more movie-centric site.

Me too! This is not what I expected. I expected round glasses and a bow tie, like Roger Kimball.

To your second point, I think Jonathan Rosenbaum put it well: "[S]exual abuse and AIDS in this movie become discrete little nuggets of
American history, along with various bumper stickers (”Shit happens”)
and T-shirts (”Have a nice day”), the civil rights movement, the 70s
popularity of jogging, familiar pop tunes,

This basically seems like the worst part of Psycho (the psychiatrist's monologue) stretched to the length of a television show.

Would you say that brutal rape scene gives the show more "punch"?


Unfortunately, they also date my sister.

And what charisma! Even Jay-Z seems to be having fun when JT is around.

So, not everything.

I'm getting more of a Giant/Written on the Wind vibe.

I've only seen the first handful of episodes, and this was my problem with the show, too. I liked those episodes for what they were, and if I'd had readier access to the show I might have kept watching, but it really did seem like a 14-year-old boy's idea of what a great show would be.

Yeah, it was pretty bad. Garden State came out the summer before my freshman year, which was the sweet spot for that movie (old enough to like it because it was "deep," not yet cool enough to see that it was bullshit).

Yeah, I don't even comment on AVC nearly as much as I used to, but this feature still looms large over all the movie-watching/book-reading decisions I make each weekend.

That's at least a step up from the Garden State posters most of the girls I knew in college had hanging on their walls.

Rear Window is his best. Shadow of a Doubt is my favorite.

It's certainly a very good film, but not one of my favorite Soderberghs. I think I actually prefer some of his very imperfect experiments (like Bubble) to KotH.

Maybe I'm something of a masochist, but I have this weird fascination with Adam Sandler's career, and I will almost certainly watch That's My Boy at some point.

I hope racking up "likes" for your weekly sobriety updates helps keep you on the wagon.

Yeah, I had read about it, so I kind of knew what to expect. But I was still surprised at just how little it felt like a Soderbergh film. If I'd seen it without knowing he directed it, I never would have guessed.

All the Brothers Quay stuff is really, really good. Street of Crocodiles is probably my favorite, though.