Thanks; I do appreciate that a lot - and I'm sorry you've been suffering recently, too.
Thanks; I do appreciate that a lot - and I'm sorry you've been suffering recently, too.
And like Heroes, it started fairly poorly and still manages to keep finding cliffs off of which to jump.
Maliciously, too. This is the kind of odious yet pathetic witness tampering you'd see on some place like Springfield or Pawnee.
It's the…down button on the D-Pad, I think. Just a minor thing, but so nice.
Though it's also smart to have a less established team on them. The games should generally sell alright, and it's really good training.
I think Super Metroid is the bee's knees, but I can definitely agree that there are choices regarding its controls that really haven't aged well. Using the shoulder button to aim never really feels "right," and I've always maintained that its wall jumping is awful and unintuitive (I guess it's meant as more of a…
I think a lot of that is really just the slight changes to the lighting (and the ability to let you adjust it).
The easier switching from wolf to teenager is also appreciated.
Personally, I'd be really happy if both the originals and remasters were available, but Wind Waker non-HD is still great (and Twilight Princess still rather good). And considering how little use developers got out of the GameCube adaptors, I really hope Nintendo becomes more willing to re-release that console's stock.
Oh, right; totally forgot I also wrote something on the level design of Super Mario 64, and how it felt players acclimate to the possibilities and challenges of 3D environments. It was pretty much entirely based around that conversation we had early in May, and I'd been hacking away at it since then.
The ability to set routes for your captains highlighted just how poorly handled Louie was in Pikmin 2, and opened up some really fun high level strategy. And while that could be ported with a dedicated map button, I'm not convinced the ease of the mechanic could be easily mimicked with a dedicated map button.…
Mario 3D World could definitely find workarounds for the GamePad stuff, as could Bayonetta 2 and the Zelda HD games. It's only a few games, like Pikmin 3, that would tragically have to stay.
I mean, the games all still have strong level design (if derivative and lacking in visual flair), and they've got more than enough 2D heroes to explore side-scrolling tropes in other ways.
It's not quite on the level of Wario being both "upside-down M" and using the Japanese word for "bad," but that's a damn fine pun.
I'm not really familiar with Pillars or its style of RPG, but I'd not be averse to trying. It did seem really interesting when I was looking on the game reviews section here for non-Nintendo stuff to try, but I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy it.
Wind Waker is one of three games (the others being Zelda 1 and Breath of the Wild) that lionize travel and understanding space as the foundational element of adventure, and that's probably why those are among my favorites in the series. It's a world that feels as big as it is, which is important for immersion and…
Tropical Freeze sold incredibly poorly, so they wouldn't even need to use that "Deluxe" moniker. Port it, sell it at a slight discount, but give it good copy.
While I echo ApesMa's concerns about having so many ports, it's really a shame so few people are going to play the Wii U's lineup. Tropical Freeze is just one of so many excellent games that deserve a bigger audience, and if they wanted to do a couple ports a year I'd be more than fine with that. So long as they've…
The best one of those nice dialogue surprises is the one with the bridge guard who gets scared Link's about to commit suicide. It's rather empathetic.
Congrats on finding the apartment! I purchased a PlayStation 4 last week but do to my living situation haven't been able to install it (two weeks, though…), so take these recommendations with the knowledge that I haven't actually played any of them. Among others, I've been interested in Abzû, NeiR, Inside, Hyper Light…