
Whenever the word diet comes up it gets odd for me when I tell people I have a diet. I'm pretty thin as is and it is recommended that I consume 2000 calories a day. I find cooking my own meals and planning them helps me stay within that range. It also helps me with my cooking skill.

There are people who can't help but being honest. It's just who they are. They are the nicest people and they will tell you how it is. I'd rather have a friend tell me the truth to help me deal with what I am going through than lie to me to make me temporarily feel better.

I just keep mine in a microfiber sunglasses sack. It keeps it scratch free and I can clean it. Best of all it's the spare sunglass microfiber case and it cost me just one dollar.

I hope they have better VOIP so you can communicate with your teammates.

Paper. I do mine in my Moleskin Grid Pocket Book. It works for me.

I actually beat that James Bond game. It was stupid ridiculous hard.

This is solid advice. It can also be applied to when writing a fictional story. I knew I would be writing a sci fi military Israeli female sniper story. So I just downloaded pdf form the department of homeland security that has all the military terms I need in it, went to the Israeli military website got the proper

You know what I would love to happen. If amazon's recommendation system including future releases of movies and gave you show times of movies based on your location. They'd be sweet.

I own the vita and love it to bits. I just want more AAA games on the system. Love that indies are giving it love.

I want to know if there is a way t cut this feature off. Possibly not have you system online.

Where to buy: Steam has Max Payne and Max Payne 2.

Max Payne

Actual. I have some experience with this. You might get a good deal at Costco, BJ, or Sam's Club. They sell the name brands for a good price. I got my full size Serta from Costco for 200. I did go to the name brand stores and found there pirces were more. The same Serta cost 400 at those stores.

I'm now in the market for a good pair of headset for the pc. Any recommendations?

I remember beta testing this on PC.

Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark. It still bothers me just how badly Perfect Dark Zero didn't meet the standards of the original. I am glad I can plan the original on the 360 though.

Vote: Adobe Media Encoder. It's for professionals and it works great. Supports a vast amount of formats. I personally love it. The only thing is it does cost money.

Spec Op: The Line. A shooter with a compelling story and I didn't mind the journey one bit. It caused me to really stop and think. Yager made a great game.

Georgia is a nightmare to renew your license. They changed the law last year. If it'd didn't have a gold star on it you had to go to the dmv. The average wait time is 3 hours. It gets worse. You have to show your license, you social, your visa or passport, two bills with your current address no older than 60 days.

I've done this for all my interviews. I haven't gotten the job yet but I was always 10 minutes early to the interview.