
Billy Bob Thorton’s looking good in that picture. Is he growing his hair out for a role?

Dude, you really shouldn’t try to analyze Reddit.

“in University” and “Kraft Dinner” outs Nicholas as a low-down, shifty-eyed, Labatt-drinking Canuck.

Working on it

A Faraday keeps the hackers away.

To be fair, I know a lot of white people who think animals are more important than ANY people. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, “I don’t care if they kill people in a movie, but they sure as hell better not kill a dog.” Or, “I think people are horrible. I’d much rather a human being die than my

Van Gogh to the hospital immediately!!!

Do you think he cares?

Yes, but like you said, that’s on the parents at that point. The point of the bill isn’t to stop minors from getting it completely, it’s to provide a barrier of entry (that is, consent of the parents before a purchase can be made). If parents are ok with their kids gambling in a video game then it’s no longer the

There are no cars that “take all the damage in an accident.” The brain has room to rattle around inside the skull, and no matter what you put around the outside of the head, absorbing a lot of force (from colliding with either a car or a linebacker) is going to make it rattle.

“The parents should be paying attention to their children” Hard to do when you work 3 jobs because Walmart pays crap wages while making billions in profits. You want better parenting, raise wages. That will create more free time for people to be with their families.

Someone needs to explain age-old concept of “white man’s burden” to you. White guys leisurely discussing the cost in lives of “civilizing” another culture is... problematic to say the least.

If someone has a real suggestion as to how to get NK to simmer down, without any loss of life, I’d love to hear it.

WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war, Iraq war all fought with promise of freedom.

What if nothing’s been done because the question has been answered?

The issue is that this is not a question for the U.S. to answer independently. There are very legitimate reasons that China, South Korea and Japan do not want war with North Korea, and it stretches beyond just counting North Korean lives.

Since detention centers are non-punitive you should expect to be held and deported (or have it overturned) relatively quickly. Likely after you served your time for any crimes (assuming they don’t opt to just deport you). Ostensibly their purpose is only to make sure you don’t duck your deportation as opposed to

No, not all the time and nothing valuable can be seen when they are open. But I do understand wanting to have the blinds open as much as possible, even if it means sometimes passerbys can get a peek inside.

Because I like the view and sense of open space my big windows give me.