
“I’d love a compromise, where no one had (or felt they needed) handguns, and hunters and recreational shooters got to enjoy their registered and safely stored shotguns and old-fashioned repeating rifles.”

“If in the unlikely circumstance a revolution is so desperately needed, we’ll just have to either flip the cops and soldiers”

Can you manufacture the bullets?

Someone I know has a diesel one of those that can also run on used McDonalds deep-drier oil, it’s great


It’s a cops vs black people problem first and on a bigger scale. And since they’ve gotten away with it for so long they are now also trying it out on white guys and girls.

That’s the wedding, not the institution of marriage.

The “rule” is half the older partner’s age plus 7 years, they’re well within that.

But it was already 5-1 at that point... A bread-stick’s almost as good as a donut anyway.

The comedy gold here is not her puking, but the guy on the right spinning round and round not knowing where to go starting at 1:29.

Good idea and note that it’s the last 20 seconds that are really the key, where the kid and one of the customers talk about friends or strangers standing up to bullies. It’s really hard to stop a bully if you’re getting bullied, but getting someone else on your side when getting bullied works like magic. I didn’t get

I’ve done tons of hiking but never in the desert so I have a question about this statement from the Rescue group:

Doesn’t context matter though? Calling someone the N word or using the word to describe someone is bad, but what about saying “I read an interesting article on The Root today about how white people use the word N****r”? Or “Quentin Tarantino says ‘N****r’ too much in his movies, it’s embarrassing.”?

“The average white family is worth an astonishing $600,000 more than the average black family.”

I posted this under some other article before but how about #6: vote? Not just once every four or two years either; here are lots of white supremacists or white supremacist allies in local elections too, and minorities by definition don’t have the numbers to vote them out.

I’m not familiar with how much congressional and senatorial campaigns cost, but $2-$10K does not seem like much; is it really enough to buy off a politician?

Yes, they want the players to be... obedient.

I’ve heard this in discussions about the NHL draft and I thinnk it could work for the NBA too: set the draft order based on the amount of points that teams get after they have been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. Theoretically the worst team would be eliminated the earliest and would have the best chance

I’m a white guy, and I find that most of the candidates who meet the voting interests of minorities here in Canada align with my (liberal-progressive) voting interests as well, so the answer to your question of “why” is “because it’s in my interest too.”