
Every population is at its worst when they’re hosting a war or economic depression. Racial harmony happens only in countries fortunate enough to have peace and prosperity, Ukraine has neither right now.


As Mallory himself evidently found out, getting down the mountain can be harder than climbing it. Don’t get “peak fever;” turn around if you won’t have enough daylight to get down. Even in good conditions and with plenty of light left I usually find the descent tougher; the front of my thighs hurt more than the

Boxing is pretty re-watchable. I have watched classic fights involving Ali, Leonard, Barrera, Gatti and others a few times in their entirety, and not only the short knockout fights. I know many other boxing fans who also do this.

This little clairvoyant nugget from that second report: ‘Noting the arrest only two weeks ago Judge Payne said to Gatti, “I’m a little concerned you’re going to pull a trifecta before the month is over.”’

Non-American here with a question about your football. If rugby-style backward passes such as the ones in this replay are allowed, how come we don’t see more plays designed to use them? You often see several defenders committing to the ball carrier, which should leave at least one or two offensive players open to

Yes, civilian planes in my dreams too. Can’t remember if I had them before 9/11 or not.

When I’m feeling good and confident in real life, I get dreams where I’m flying. I go to the top of a high-rise, confidently step off the edge, spread my arms out and glide. If I’m feeling particularly awesome I can even gain some altitude by flapping my arms. It’s great, I wish I felt confident more often just for

I used to have dreams about witnessing airplane crashes. I’m not afraid of flying and the dreams were never about being IN an airplane crash, only about witnessing them. In the worst ones, possibly when I was most stressed or anxious, the planes would drop like flies, four or five in a single dream.

Do you carry a defibrillator or a needle full of adrenaline with you in the name of preparedness as well? Because you are much more likely to need THOSE items designed for just one purpose, or to encounter someone who does, than you are to find yourself needing a gun.

That was nearly 250 years ago, have you seen what your government does to people who try to rebel against it now? Go look up videos of Iraqi civilian insurgents circa 2005, see how they did against the US government. And keep in mind that the Iraqis had deadlier equipment than what US civilians are allowed to own

About the people “at the very highest echelon of track and firld (sic)“ who “hang out with drug cheats;” let’s shed some light:

That’s a steal, Portland is fun but I’d make that trade any day.

I thought the racist anti-Japanese cartoons he drew during the war would be at the bottom of this list.

In a boxing match? No way. That would mean she's the best BOXER right now, regardless of gender. I think you meant in an MMA fight she would beat him

Fair enough, I should have researched it more. Though Balotelli got the monkey chants from Spanish fans in the stands, most of the violence outside stadiums was directed at Russians, and the event was mainly positive and not awfully racist like many predictions beforehand stated.

I’m not Russian and I didn’t blame the West for racism in Russia. I’m saying in that part of the world racism towards black people has almost no history behind (most Russians probably never saw a black person in-person) and it and is much more shallow compared to their other racial and ethnic prejudices. So for two

They’ll be respectable. There were worries during Euro 2012 about racism in Poland and Ukraine, some dumb BBC program even warned black fans not to go lest they return in a body bag, in the end the fans in the stands were OK and the Polish hooligans outside the stadium just beat up on the Russians... Old, historical

That’s not a garlic mincer, that’s a garlic crusher. Like ground vs minced beef, there’s a difference in the texture.

That’s not a garlic mincer, that’s a garlic crusher. Like ground vs minced beef, there’s a difference in the texture.