And yet he comes out to publicly say that he doesn’t think the subtitle applies to games? Curious.
And yet he comes out to publicly say that he doesn’t think the subtitle applies to games? Curious.
He definitely is smart enough to come up with a more creative subtitle than just “Director’s Cut”. The MGS series is proof of that. Plus, him outright and deliberately publicly stating that he doesn’t like the subtitle applied to games? Kojima rarely does or says anything that isn’t hinting at something else.
The use of “Director’s Cut” in video games never made any sense, for reasons that Kojima describes here, but it’s ultimately just another vestige of video games trying to “be movies” - or more specifically, to be recognized on the level of film in the mainstream. “Complete Edition” and other such subtitles make way…
Every single thing I hear about Johnny’s just makes me hate them even more. They are pure fucking evil.
Frankly, probably not much... if any at all. He’s the producer, not the PR manager. I mean, what the PR manager does is gonna depend on how much progress they have on the game’s development, but Yoshi-P isn’t at all afraid of talking about the game’s progress publicly to temper people’s expectations - yet another…
Okay, sure, Legaia too. I love both of them but I would prioritize Dragoon over Legaia though.
It’s far from the best in the series, but I think it gets a lot of undue hate and I respect your choice.
FF6 is unquestionably the superior game in almost every manner except technical. FF6 has visuals that still hold up strong today. FF7 looks like utter dogshit by comparison. I mean, FF7 is still a good game, it’s just incredibly flawed compared to 6.
That’s a whole lot of accessories to make a console “functional” lol. I played a lot of Tetris on Joycon face buttons and never had any issues with it - honestly, I think I might prefer the distinct buttons because it’s a lot harder to make unintended inputs than it would be with a traditional D-pad.
It’s almost like DRM is bad or something.
They’re all arguing about PS1 FFs when they are literally all flawless lmfao. Wake me up when someone brings a sign that says “REMAKE LEGEND OF DRAGOON”.
It must be exhausting to be so deeply, fundamentally wrong on an existential level. How’s that working out for you? Hope you get better soon!
Yeah, I’ve only ever had early-model DS4s. While I don’t know if there’s any correlation, it definitely seems like most people’s problems come with the newer models, which is strange. I also circulate my use between the two that I have, so battery life has never been an issue for me either - usually a controller can…
When even fucking Sony can’t get the orientation of this thing right, I think it’s time to go back to the drawing board. When they can finally actually get the parts to BUILD new PS5s, I fully expect a hardware revision with a less hideous chassis relatively soon. They did it with the PS3, they can do it again. I…
I probably have tens of thousands of hours of playtime on my DS4s (I use them for both PS4 and PC gaming) and the most issues I’ve ever had out of them were the rubber thumbstick nubs starting to peel and ONE rubber membrane failure, which was an easy and cheap fix after ordering a replacement online. Frankly, DS4s…
This makes me want to start maining May just to inflict anal pain upon these losers lmfao.
It’s nice that Nintendo is making an attempt to make older games available in SOME fashion (even if that fashion is extremely exploitative), but it ultimately falls extremely short, especially when one can easily find complete collections of every game from every Nintendo console up to and including the Switch online,…
Well, yes, obviously. But most international supply chains use some form of illegal labor, and the more layered and complex the supply chains get (and few are more complex than electronics), the more difficult it is to trace labor violations. Ultimately, everyone is complicit, and as long as we live under capitalism,…
Oh, maybe now that it’s happened to a white kid in a red state, people will finally realize how much of a fucking epidemic this shit is.