It should be illegal to be rich
It should be illegal to be rich
Sayonara Wild Hearts being relegated as a “girly” game is high-key the most criminal thing that has happened in gaming since, like, ET Atari.
We live in a corporate hellscape that we may only escape from through force. It is time to seize the means of video game production.
Reminder that one fighting game is not all fighting games.
I mean, fighting games are generally not meant to be single-player experiences. They can be great for lore-building - Guilty Gear is excellent at this - but it’s not really meaningful to say that “the competitive scene” is what keeps fighting games alive, because the competitive scene IS what fighting games ARE.
I’m quite bad for playing my Switch on the toilet, but there was a period where I was doing something very similar. I have my PC monitor on an arm mount that I can rotate to face pretty much anywhere in my room, including toward my bathroom where the toilet faces directly out the bathroom door. I remember beating a…
The bara community is calling...
Well, external drives are a whole different situation, those are all bottlenecked by the USB bus which is really piss poor, even over USB 3.0 for SSDs and especially compared to the PS5's SSD.
Well, external drives are a whole different situation, those are all bottlenecked by the USB bus which is really…
Well, yes, I was using the more well-known one to make what we in the queer community like to refer to as a Joke.
Well, yes, I was using the more well-known one to make what we in the queer community like to refer to as a Joke.
Well, the marketing aspect of it is pretty stupid, but it’s not just marketing - usually consoles have specific firmware parameters that allow them to take advantage of drives that are configured in specific ways for increased performance, like with the upcoming PS5's bespoke data pipeline architecture that eliminates…
Well, the marketing aspect of it is pretty stupid, but it’s not just marketing - usually consoles have specific…
I don’t see how that’s really relevant. The cost of storage started inflating rapidly in around 2011 due primarily to extreme flooding in Thailand which destroyed a massive percentage of the world’s stock and production facilities. For some reason, the rate of price-per-GB decrease never really came anywhere close to…
I don’t see how that’s really relevant. The cost of storage started inflating rapidly in around 2011 due primarily…
I bought one of these like 4 years ago for around $100. It’s astonishing to me how storage prices have stagnated so hard in the past few years as to start increasing. Moore’s Law my ass.
I bought one of these like 4 years ago for around $100. It’s astonishing to me how storage prices have stagnated so…
Almost certainly yes. Without immense startup capital it’s virtually impossible to guarantee chipset availability on a large scale, especially for a project like this which is almost certainly using a ton of custom silicon. They’re probably operating under a very strict, pre-planned number of units for the initial…
This is the most non-news imaginable. Why did they even feel the need to announce this?
All this work to resurrect Demon’s Souls, only for it to be completely obsoleted next year.
There are always certain things that are much easier to grasp from an outsider’s perspective. I am by no means going to suggest that westerners “understand” Japanese history better, but when it comes to the context of an area of Japanese history that often goes completely ignored in mainstream Japanese media but is…
Pretty much every game I have ever played works better with the symmetrical DualShock layout. I have yet to have a positive experience with the asymmetrical layout. It might be because my hands themselves are symmetrical and I am not a fucking crab person.
Pretty much every game I have ever played works better with the symmetrical DualShock layout. I have yet to have a…
Is it really telling of anything except that companies are trying (and probably failing) to cater to the Xbox playerbase? I will never understand what kind of janky alien crab hands people who prefer the asymmetrical layout have.
Is it really telling of anything except that companies are trying (and probably failing) to cater to the Xbox…
Came here to see if Kyojinzoku no Hanayome was mentioned. It was. Bless.