
Baseball - now with 20% more homoeroticism

Once the ball leaves keeper’s possession isn’t it in play?

Depending on the outcome of the game, I can see keeper saying ‘no regrets’

That depends on their skin pigmentation.

On a side note, this is precisely why in the pros the umpire has been moved behind the offense is it not? Offenses were using the refs to set picks on defensive backs.

Edited. Wasn’t in the original.

It mentions Texas twice, easy to infer this latest incident is also from Texas without the clarification that it is not.

I looked it up, this is Tennessee actually. Article should clear it up as it does indeed indicate it’s from Texas.

If the referee had been armed this never would’ve happened.

I get that, and I agree for the most part. What I’m wondering is why contracts don’t start including clauses against holdouts? Would it be difficult for the teams to include language that says something like “if the player refuses to attend practice he agrees to pay money back to the team”

Millions of years can be huge. Humanity has existed for roughly 200,000 years. Assuming we’re still around in a million more years, we’ll be infinitely more advanced than we are today.

I can see the headlines now...”Seahawks back on track after edging out Bears”

I understand that NFL contracts aren’t guaranteed and that players should get as much as they can while they can, but holding out after just 1 year of a new 4 year contract seems pretty ridiculous.

DraftKings? I’ve never heard of this. Where can I find out more information about this obscure company?

Can you name me something that is illegal speech in the US and not illegal in France? Because if you cannot, then there’s no argument that France isn’t more restrictive than the US.

That looks like a long list, but it really isn’t. It breaks down to speech is banned if it provokes violence or threatens violence, it is copyrighted, or it is slanderous. There are various other restrictions if you work for the government or if you’re allowed to be fired for saying something stupid.

France has specific exemptions to freedom of speech. For example...

“The free communication of thoughts and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man: any citizen thus may speak, write, print freely, save [if it is necessary] to respond to the abuse of this liberty, in the cases determined by the law.”

Well if they really were just renting out a host server then that’s more of a problem for me than physically having a private server. Technically, communication on a host server doesn’t even belong to the recipients.

See, this is what I don’t get...You have someone tech savvy enough to set up a private server, but you can’t get them to zero out your harddrives?