
Fuck I'll do it. I payed for Playstation plus to get STarhawks beta and I FUCKING LOVED IT!!! Didn't even buy the game, I just played so much in the beta. I should buy that game though...

I hear you. I think in some of the second movie(when upbeat) and then some of the third we should have seen the quips start coming out; he's getting good at being spider-man, has faced uncle ben's death, him and MJ are a thing(right? I forget the third, it sucked), so it doesn;t need to be as emotionally brutal.

"And I think I'm done with Bioware."

Thank you! Someone else who points this out. People just bitch he doesn't have the quips. Well he basically kills his father figure, give him some time to get over this shit man.

No way. The first 2 were great superhero movies that paved the emotional beginning of spider-man so well.

I agree here totally. This doesn't look great in anyway besides students made it.

This looks cool and great students made it, but it looks lame. I mean lock on and hit x to teleport and attack...

We lock people up for much worse, so just playing within the system...

If you are that stupid as a teenager. Yes.

I specifically said imo...

People who feel the right to do this, even if they are in their late teens, are scumbags and it's time to actually punish them.

Thank you for giving me a reason to hate that fuck yahtzee. I don't know why, but he fucking rubs me the wrong way, and now I can call him dumb and ignorant.

Yea, it sucks you can only have 1... but it still is cool. IF you buy it let me know, I really awnt to play some multiplayer, but I don't just want to pug a match and sit there for 4 hours, rather be able to schedule every hour or two

Honestly, I enjoy the new things added, Titan warships are pretty damn cool, but if I had just bought Trinity or the last expansion I'd be a bit mad at the price, it's actually $40 BUT

Kotakuites - It's the Weekend, Let's Play

I have a feeling this could be very stupid and yield stupid results we don't care about.

Day Z is not revolutionary in any way.

Haha, you act like I am bitter. I am not. Bioware made poor choice after poor choice and now their image is hurting badly. That's it. I just said stink cause it's fun.

Bioware, you stink now. Sorry. It's not just this, but a culmination of things. But you stink.

Very interesting to see the whole story lay out.