I don't get why 'Alabama porch monkey' is restricted. Why not just restrict 'porch monkey'?
I don't get why 'Alabama porch monkey' is restricted. Why not just restrict 'porch monkey'?
People have plenty of other ways to get my basic information and can already do that if they wanted.
Anyone considering Xbox Live cause of this is dumb. It's an unfortunate event, yea, but it isn't gonna happen again(if it does well shit, then I'll have to eat my words), PS3 has better exclusives coming up, and IT'S FREE!
Yea. Anyone considering Xbox Live cause of this is dumb. It's an unfortunate event, but it isn't gonna happen again(if it does well shit, then I'll have to eat my words), PS3 has better exclusives, and IT'S FREE!
Lame, I was expecting audio too.
I dislike super hero MMO's. You aren't very super if everyone around you has powers too.
Maybe one day we'll get that sequel
Well sir, you are going to be in for a treat haha
I'm sorry :(
I want more news about the Mechwarrior reboot!
I still haven't managed to finish the first STALKER. I always get 5ish hours in and then stop, then 6 months later restart. I really need to get on that soon...
holy shit! I didn't know other people actually had played ball breakers!
We need a new Psi-Ops!!!
is it bad if I've never played psychonauts?
I forgot about Battlefront 3 :(
haha nice
Whoever made it must have never played Tetris. They make the blocks rotate the opposite way compared to Tetris. It's so annoying.
cause this article sorta has to do with religion in a videogame...
Where did you get the numbers from, because I'm getting a little scared that Halo is 7