
When EA was evil, but we might of just been overlooking them :D

It's disappointing that the internet doesn't get sarcasm...

That game was not worth $60 so, to me, it was not a full game.

This seems silly. The exact reason I'm getting a DS is because they will be dirt cheap when the 3DS comes out.

I went ahead and got GTAIV. After seeing the bus doing corckscrews I got really excited about the driving in the game. It's installing now!

And the same to you, sir, the same to you :D

The PS3 has so many more exclusives this year which is mainly why I'd want to get one. The only one the 360 has is Gear of War. PS3 has infamous 2 , kz3, resistance 3, ratchet and clank, LBP2 just came out, I'd keep going but it makes me sad.

360 :(

I actually have some cash saved to grab a DS for Pokemon Black. I'm assuming they will get a nice price drop once the 3DS is out.

I didn't even see the video down there hiding under the ad. Thanks for the heads up.

That would be ideal. I think pxtang is right though and the option is already there(based off the picture being colored the way it is)

It looks like you can use both because the coloring, I just didn't see it mentioned in article so I guess I ignored it.

I forgot I have Limbo on XBLA and never beat it. Thank you for bringing up indie games and reminding me!

I've been trying, but I just keep busting out Duke Nukem quotes. Apparently ladies don't like being told their face is no different than their ass(both being fantastic of course)

Awwww Kotaku, you're too good to me. I can't believe I was mad at you this week :D

I'd love a way to turn the bar off to the right.

This sounded good until they use the right thumbstick to pick the individual letter. Why not just use X, Y,A, and B....

I've noticed replies take a huge hit.

If you are loving Nathan Fillion you might want to watch Castle. It's like Bones, but...Ok it's basically Bones. But still worth watching if you like Fillion.