Tommy La Stella's WS ring

The comments are as expected. If this “do even try until everythig is perfect” translated a 100+ years ago would be something like, “unless you can drive a car all the way across the country and be able to go everywhere and never be more than a tank of a gas away from a gas station don’t build a car at all just take a

Does this data count the full-size GM twins as one?

The first time I drove through PA, I noticed a sign that said “Beware of Reckless Drivers” and it really cracked me up.

Not a state, but here’s your winner:

I’m also getting really annoyed with people (such as the Wolffs) repeatedly saying Max earned it, and that he and Red Bull are great competitors and worthy champions, then in the next sentence saying “but it was unfairly stolen from us.” Until you cross the finish line first, it’s anyone’s race to lose. And I’m

Quick little thought experiment where we swap Silverstone and Abu Dhabi. Lets imagine they were still tied for points going into Silverstone, and that pass that took out Verstappen still happened. Would it just be a 10s penalty, or would it have been much worse because more was at stake? That logic was applied at the

So that cars are even more expensive and wasteful while having fewer capabilities?

I mean, we COULD build road cars to that standard.  But, speaking from experience, people tend to appreciate things like a trunk, opening doors, retractable belts, and so on.

While we’re living in imagination land I’d like to request a 2 door. Thanks. 

Now give it 3 windshield wipers

So, why didn’t Hamilton do a better job of preventing Max from passing him on that final lap?  Perez was able to hold off Hamilton earlier in the race for more than a lap on old tires.

>>>the lapped cars should have remained in between the two

Good god this is a bad take...

“Neither title contender deserved to lose this year’s championship, especially not in an unforeseen manner like this.

If you think F1 is no longer a sport because of questionable officiating decisions, I'm afraid you don't watch many sports.

Sorry guys but the race was lost the moment Latifi crashed.
The judges waited too long to permit unlapping, true, and found a half-baked solution to correct that mistake.

You need to normalize your data for miles driven in Teslas vs. not Teslas, your comparison is meaningless.

Eh, Merc need to own up with how shit their tire strategy was. Lewis 100% should have pit and put softs on at the end. He had the faster car all day, no way he loses that last lap on fresh softs. 

Your links don’t prove anything. You might want to show the number of deaths per miles driven, and how many teslas are there compared to every other vehicle on the road, and so on.

So if there’s nothing Volkswagen left, is it really a Type 1?