
What you find obvious today was written down by a man who wrote these ideas down 2500 years ago, 500 years before the birth of Christ. Whether you recognize it or not, you entire life has been influenced and transformed by it.

this is her cry for help, someone save her please

No, vets just indiscriminately pull teeth for fun.

Those sorts of things aren’t required here.

Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

i agree that their music sucks and hasn’t been good in quite some time. however, i don’t think that’s because they are old. they haven’t had a good album since the 70's.

Meanwhile, in their first quarter century, they came out with “Aftermath,” “Let It Bleed,” “Sticky Fingers,” “Exile on Main Street,” “Beggar’s Banquet,” and a few more I’m forgetting. They’re allowed to suck for their second quarter century. Most bands never even make one album that good.

oh ha ha - proof of life album. because they are so old. really, can you stop with the ageism?

Not your imagination. Inseams are shrinking again. #freetheknee

Not your imagination. Inseams are shrinking again. #freetheknee

You’re right that they have a right not to go to police. But they don’t have the right to impact the education of their accused unless they are willing to report to police because the accused has a fundamental right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Of course there was a policy in place. It just hasn’t kept up with changing “definitions” of consent.

Yeah not knowing about shows you don’t watch is showing how ignorant you are. :) Right.

Any of your white buddies ever throw a shot at a cop? Didn’t think so. I guess that might be the primary difference, not the white part.

14 year old with a gun usually isn’t out selling cookies.

I’m here clicking on articles on Kotaku. :) And yes I figured out it was GoT eventually from the context of the related/linked articles.. It’s not a willing ignorance.. I’ve simply never watched the show except for the recent large battle scene.

The best defense against hate speech is to out the hate speakers, not to ban them.

No, you don’t need to physically do that. But you need a whole lot more than wearing offensive shit to a protest for speech to be sufficiently threatening to lose First Amendment protection. This doesn’t meet that standard.

The law requires threats or intimidation, and those terms are very narrowly interpreted under First Amendment doctrine. You aren’t “preventing” anyone from using free speech by wearing a mask.

Unless there is more to this than what’s reported here, hard to see how he can be prosecuted under that statute consistent with the First Amendment for this, reprehensible as it is.