“...there’s plenty of reason to believe Kesha in the first place?...”
“...there’s plenty of reason to believe Kesha in the first place?...”
“...Ralston claims that the student stole her passport and money, hit her, dragged her across the floor, and made her isolate from friends and family...”
“So men getting off...”
“...Then I became an adult and realized that when you borrow money, you should pay it back according to the loan agreement you signed...”
“...This is so wrong.”
“Rowing machines are awesome!...”
“..,here’s a another memo for you: just because you live and work within a society that emphasizes “hard work” inside of a capitalist system to achieve commercial and material success doesn’t mean that everyone embraces this worldview or chooses to adhere to this path. there is a hell of a lot more to life than…
The heat is generated from a low-ohm high-wattage resistor that is used to fake the car electronics out. LEDs are (normally) such low power that modern car computers/sensors think the bulb is burned out so LED lights need to pretend to be high-wattage incandescent light bulbs. They do this by placing a fake load along…
The “dip” reads like some of that ground pork stuff you see at certain bogus “Asian” restaurants that you put on lettuce leaves and roll up.
Jezebel, which I’ve read somewhere is sorta female oriented, consistently calls vulvas vaginas.
“And this is why I happily hopped over to Sirius...”
Not only that but I was a grad student about 8 years before that when I was just a twinkle in my Dear Ol’ Ma’s eye!
“Thats weird, every recipe i have EVER used in my 20 years in the industry has used tbs for tablespoon and ts for teaspoon...”
About 32 years ago (gack!) I bought a wok very similar to the one pictured in the “Right Surface and Shape” above. It came as a “package” with a ladle, strainer, rack, and spatula for about $10.
“Software shouldn’t be covered by patent law at all. It’s not a device...”
“...The only issue here is how companies/people like this can actually get patents for nonsense like this in the first place.”
Your post is spot on - protecting a patent is not a problem, it’s what they are for.
“I’m not sure what you would expect Valve to do. These patents are incredibly broad and cover just about any online service created in the past 20 years.”
“The patents all sound unbelievably broad...”