
That puts a smile on my face

Oh wow…she's 45! Man…

After the Q-n-A, I got a photo and I said sorry for yelling that out, and he goes: The fact that something I did brought you so much joy, that's awesome man.

It's cute and has all these random bizarre asides that just make it stand out from every other teen movie.

There's just something about Get Over It. I've seen it a million times. The DVD commentary is interesting since they blame a lot of the unfunny bits on the Weinsteins.

Get Over it is the best movie ever.


I have a lot of work tomorrow, so can we not debate this?

Yea, watching "Manhattan", the relationship always makes me raise my eyebrows, but the movie definitely makes the Woody character come off like not the best guy.

No. He married the adopted daughter of his ex-girlfriend. I mean, I'm not denying it's weird, but two consenting adults met and fell in love.

Hi, how it's going?

She gave permission for her image to be used in a Woody retrospective when he won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Globes

He did no such thing

Woody has one accuser, singular.
Cosby has what….55?

People who were there said it never happened

If he had probable cause he would've prosecuted rather than letting a kiddie rapist go free

Hemingway seemed to have no problem with Allen's conduct- plus she was 17, which is AOC in NY

19-year olds probably shouldn't be getting married, but a 19-year-old proposing to a 16-year-old doesn't= kiddy rapist

He was investigated and no charges were filed

I just saw this. Guys, I want to get some work done tomorrow