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    Oooh WE!


    Damon Young...love you also! Well written!!!!

    Michael Harriot...I’ve told you this before, “I Love You”. If everyone could write like you 1/2 way...I would be a happy, happy woman!!!! You can make a miserable day, un-miserable! This is written so doggone well! When I was reading this I looked around to see if I could share this well written article with someone

    *Childish Gambino’s voice...”STAY WOKE! (can you hear the music? I know ya can;)

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU MICHAEL HARRIOT!!!! I was sitting here feeling so sorry for my black self, sniff, sniff...until I read this!!! Man O’ Man do I love thee? Yes.

    But, of course!

    Love love love love her!

    Another thing...sit down Coco!!! Just enjoy the view;]

    I wouldn’t get too upset. This is white appropriation at it’s best. She should have discussed this with her infamous husband first. Coco, Smo-Co, Bo Derek, Ko-Merek...”WE” (Black Folk) know what it is. Do WE not!? I know it’s quite tiring to continue to hear about other’s (and they DEFINITELY know who they are)

    Side note.: It has to be spelled “gangsta” to get the FULL EFFECT! Yuh herd!

    When I read stuff like this...I have to take breaks!!! My heart is beating a mile a minute!!!! I become sooo enthralled and super-duper excited! I’m HAPPY!!!

    Michael Harriot...you are most definitely the bomb-diggity!!!!

    Whoaaaa!!!! SMH🤔



    You surely tire of hearing about this...I admonish my fellow readers to take a look into your bibles...IITimothy 3:1-5. Truly, bible prophecy being fulfilled.

    This is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!!
