
I love how when I come to Gizmodo and see an article with a name that's obviously used just to obtain page clicks, I already know who wrote it. Another winner, Jesus :)

This is going to be awful for authors... $10.50 would be their maximum cut if the most they could put it up for was $15, and for a +1000 page book that's terrible. I bet we're going to see much lesser quality textbooks in here pretty soon.

I seriously doubt that anyone will look back and laugh at that, because if the future you're talking about actually happens, it's obvious that people have been brainwashed and probably will have lost their sense of humor as well... Everybody likes being different. That's not going to change.

Seems to me like productivity would be best on an 11.6 inch tablet, whereas casual gaming or video watching would be fine on a smaller tablet.

Jesus, you're gonna have to take down this article, turns out traces of CarrierIQ have been found in Apple products.

Why does that matter at all? Is it some sort of pride thing for you to carry around a phone with no bloatware?

I agree that most people don't know as much about phones as we do, but it's the same principle with most things. If I buy a burger from the dollar menu at Mcdonald's, it's not going to be better than one from 5 Guys that costs a lot more. Usually people associate cost with build quality, so most people would already

And of course, Jesus Diaz wrote this. Why does he work at Giz still? He never contributes anything of value. Of course cheap Android phones are going to break more, but people know that when buying them, so what does it matter?

You're right, Windows isn't allowed to have a store because it'd be copying Apple. They do have many shared characteristics, but "good artists copy, great artists steal," right babe? ;)