
If the engine rebuilder builds it ‘by the book’ as Toyota claims, would the mechanic use the same ridiculous amount of RTV sealant on the oil pan gasket like they do on the assembly line, which caused this whole debacle in the first place?

It’s about damn time. If I were Ford, I’d be pissed off too. They do all the heavy lifting to develop the vehicles and especially on EVs, sell them at super slim margins. Then instead of getting some volume behind these important launches, dealers instead try to get rich quick by gouging the customers which just

A guy in High School had a fleet of these in the early 80's Rust was killing all of them. He had a yellow one just like this. Fun little car, you had better be under 6' and smaller of stature though.

Or, for the same money, instead of buying something that screams you are desperate for attention and have no taste beyond what’s in your mouth, you could buy a stunning 1964, 1965, or 1966 model (closed or open) and have enough money left over for a spectacular driving vacation.

How many years until the Z06 is available from a dealer for <$150K?

His barrel roll recovery was pretty damn impressive.

It’s the shipbuilder, not Bezos. They wanted to do it at their facilities, so they got the city to agree to the dismantling (which the city should not have done). I feel like it’s unlikely Bezos cares where they do the work. 

Did no one have a ruler? 

Complacency sets in with everyone, especially with the people who should know better. The kind yet stern old Senior Master Sergeant who instructed me said to me that checklists are written in blood, and so I slavishly adhered to the checklist at all times.

I’ve never been a pilot - but you hear about these things happening in diving where really, really great divers end up hurt or dead because they failed to complete a pre-dive check the right way.

It’s the little things that can trip you up.

I think the fatal long-distance ejection victim was actually the driver’s wife. The driver was ejected but survived with severe injuries. I’ve read that they had five-point harnesses (it was a prepped car) but, when they crashed at an estimated 180 mph, the car came apart.

Not true! Water tastes much better.

Q: What’s the difference between a water fountain and a Bud Light dispenser?

Well, there’s the Nissan Leaf, for environmentally-conscious frugal people, but I agree with you. We, the taxpayers, already paid for a big tax credit for EV buyers, the gas tax pays for road maintenance (or whatever the .gov diverts those funds too) but EV’ers don’t pay that, and now we have to give them free “fuel”

While the idea of providing free gas/diesel is ridiculous, the idea that we should use public funds to provide free BEV charging is pretty unfair. Let’s be real, the only people buying BEVs right now are relatively rich people who have a couple other ICE vehicles back home.

DOubt they make $0.03 per gallon since price went up from $3.80 to $5.49 per gallon for no reason. THey made $0.03 per gallon when it was $3.80 per gallon, now they make $1.69 per gallon

Sucks for the station, I think they make pennies on the gallon, their margin per gallon sold is likely the same, whether that’s $2.50 or $5 a gallon. They really make their money in the convenience part of the station.

Seriously, the proper procedure for fixing this recall is a swift smack to the owner and their keys taken away because they are clearly not fit to own a vehicle like that. Still amazes me literally anyone with a license can buy and drive a 40ft house on the road.

Isn’t it a bit late on the tires? The last ones were made 19 years ago. While I realize a lot of RV tires don’t see many miles, no one should be driving on 20 year old tires. I have a car that doesn’t drive a whole lot of miles, and I usually see dry rot starting after ~5 years.