
Surest way for this to happen is to not oil the rubber gasket before putting the filter on. The dry rubber vulcanizes to the engine block and the filter can. If it’s only one of those, not too bad. If it is both - you’re screwed.

That first millimeter of movement is probably like seeing your newborn child for the first time.

The AMG M139 can make 416 BHP. That’s the highest “mass production” 2.0L 4 cylinder I can think of off the top of my head.

I drove a tow truck as a side hustle for AAA back in the day and from the looks of it, she is lucky the car didn’t kill her if she had to stop quickly in route since it wasn’t strapped down AT ALL. The way I was taught - sure you can apply the vehicle’s parking brake but you better not rely solely on that. We had to

Saw it.  Old enough to remember when drivers had more input (but cars had less tech, bar the Williams’ of the early 90s) Now the best teams design the car around their (No.1) driver, power unit, etc.  That was McLaren's problem a few years back wanting to design a cokebottle shape chassis around an incompatible power

I’d say the Greatest statistically, and certainly overall as a driver who (largely) relies(d) on his skills, talent and experience instead of the kamikaze mentality when it got down to the wire, basically torpedoing opponents (Senna, my hero) and Schumi who tried it successfully in ‘95, but failed in ‘96 and ‘97

Dude this all day long. I can kinda see having a boat if you can use it all year long and not having to pay for storage.

I’m curious how well this handles after adding that engine in there. Unless major changes were made to the brakes, suspension, transmission and so forth the engine is too big for the car and its going to be difficult to handle.

This. Also, I’ve never been on a road trip (especially through parts unknown) and thought to myself: “You know what I absolutely need right now? New brake fluid.”

Brake service and tire rotation should have been done before leaving.

It’s exciting reading about your German / Swedish adventure while we similarly embark in our own: this is our “new” 1949 Käfer we’re buying in Düsseldorf, driving around the Rhineland for 5 days then shipping back to Tampa. It’s the most bonkers thing I’ve ever done, by far.

Not only is the fluid in the master cylinder reservoir overall, it’s all black and nasty, as if it’s not been changed in a decade. That combined with the apathy about the “pulley bearing” speaks to a lack of care about maintenance in general. Porsches are fairly durable, but they’re like any other European car;

Pulley squeak?  Is that what the kids are calling it these days?  NP.

“Cheap Porsche” is one of those phrases that chills my frugal heart to the absolute core.

I once bought a VW camper and found a box of condoms under the driver’s seat. They were all present and accounted for, however.

1. I don’t see a tint.

For $30k, it better come with this..

I never understood this mindset. When I commit to selling something, I baby it up to delivery to the new buyer. This goes from cars to tools.  I don’t go and beat the crap out of it. 

I loaned my brother my extra car (09 WRX hatch) after a bit he called to ask if he should get an oil change, but I said nah becuase I didn’t want some cheap ass jiffy lube and then he ran it dry and the engine threw a rod so then I sold it cheap to a friend who wanted to replace the engine, I bought it back from him

1,200 lb-ft torque”