
“The Bears make money, and the bulls make money, but the pigs never do make money”

—-Old stock market saying

One thing about these people paying $200,000 for a Corvette or $60,000 for a Honda Civic - when the market eventually settles (and it will) they will see depreciation like no other...

Can you imagine all of the issues that will pop up once you start driving that thing? With all of the old fluids and dried seals?

I don’t get it, either.

I live in CA, and I have seen GLE 250s on the road. Where do you live?

Why should he have to apologize? Has Megan apologized for anything she’s said?

““The Mercedes-Benz GLE 350. The GLE 350 which is a pretty big vehicle available with a 3rd row of seats, is powered by a 2.0l 4 cylinder churning out 255hp. The interior is vinyl. Half of the owners polish their turd with the ‘AMG Line’ exterior. They’re clad in ugly black plastic and have as many fake air intakes

It’s funny because I was just talking about this with an MB salesman today. He was admiring my 22 year old W210 E430. I think the front end is the best part of the design and like the predecessor W124 that spawned a lot of imitators, several makes - including Jaguar - copied the front end. But the Kia was a blatant

With all of their trouble, why would anyone want to buy a car from them? In CA at least I don’t know how a dealer can get into more trouble than failing to send the info to the DMV so they can send a title.

Well, #2 is failing to send in the sales tax collected from the customer.

Cool Caddy! 

How can a ‘65 Caddy and a 70s Mustang II survive all those years in NYC? I’ astounded by the price of parking there.

Years ago an acquaintance there at the time, with another group of friends, drove up to West Point from Manhattan.

We waled a few blocks to the garage he ke[pt his Ferrari 330GT (I think that was the

So many cars today - or in the last 10 years - look generic. I have a 2011 Mercedes E350. It looks like a Hyundai or a Honda. A lot of the problem, I think, is that for most automakers now they hire a design chief from outside ,rather than let them, like Daimler’s Bruno Sacco, rise up through the ranks.

I drove back to MN for Thanksgiving. And I was amazed - with the days there mostly at freezing or below the car washes were still running. Was it because the water was constantly moving? Or they put anti freeze in the water?

It seems that Oesterle was a slow learner. You’d have thought he would have done some due diligence and asked around.

What would be the cause, or does this study fall under “junk science” ? Sounds like it.

Next we’ll hear if you like BBQ potato chips your odds go up...

Kind of sad - a car driven 500 miles in 40 years. To be bought by someone who will stuff it in a garage. I don’t get it.

Think what the costs of just hiring a lawyer would be if pulled over.

I have read enough about them here to wonder why anyone would continue to do business with them? You buy a car from them then wait and wait for the title?

I have a friend with a 996 Cabrio that he is going to put on the market. He told me every time he has taken it in it has been $5000 for this...or that.

And maybe the reason is that he as let it just sit for months at a time.

I was impressed that the computer would have that kind of information. Sort of like Ferrari’s, I guess. They want to know if you are **driving** the car. 

At one point in Porsche’s life, more cars were sold in So CA than Germany. I suspect without So CA there wouldn’t be a Porsche today. 

Nice write up. And I can’t emphasize enough the value of a PPI. I was looking for an R129 Mercedes SL 9 years ago...and looked for 6 months. The hunt was getting tiresome, and the reason was that these cars, while just under $100K new to $130K (for the V12) were and still are very cheap.

When means many have passed