I always thought the Manta was nice looking but Buick dealers? Like selling the Pantera through Lincoln Mercury.
I always thought the Manta was nice looking but Buick dealers? Like selling the Pantera through Lincoln Mercury.
Let’s get real. It won’t be $106K at the dealer for the foreseeable future.
I’m watching the video, and left unsaid by the reporter - but it looks like he had already started the plane - then tows it out to the tarmac- and then has to run to catch it.
Landing would have been the tricky part - the hardest thing in basic airmanship - but as others have said, he had no intention of landing. Plus…
That’s like building a boat in the basement and then wondering how you will get it out. Poor planning by Oceanco.
It is hard to believe that a pilot of his caliber and reputation could forget such a thing - but if it was still in the fuselage the facts don’t lie. That’s basic airmanship stuff - to do a walk around - I wonder what the circumstances were? It has just been flown and he “assumed” it wasn’t in there?
I don’t know about 25 feet, but don’t you love been at a red light and seeinkg the car next to you with doors vibrating playing music that....you just don’t like? You never hear them playing Beethoven or Mozart.
Remember too that if you get a newer used car that most likely will need something shortly. I haven’t been logical in paying for maintenance and upkeep of my 3 old Mercedes (well, 2) the latest 2011 has only 50K miles). But I would take either of those 2, 26 years old and 22 years old, across the country tomorrow.
Full autonomy makes one complacent - only to discover they aren’t infallible. A friend with a new Mercedes S-Class nearly had a rear end collision because he thought the distronic cruise control was on - and almost rear-ended a car on the highway.
There was a good op-ed in the Wall Street Journal yesterday on this very issue. It seems the politicians have for the most part no understanding of basic economics.
I think you are right about it being the wife. But IIRC it was a tire blow out that caused the accident. The organizers told them they have to be speed rated tires matched to the vehicle, and the owner (a Dr?) talked them into letting them use their current tires.
Then they sue Goodyear (what for, I haven’t a clue,…
Reminds me of that crash years ago at the Silverstate Classic, where they close a highway in Nevada. A Ferrari Testarossa did that and ejected the driver 300 feet.
Where do you think “the state” gets its money?
They complain unless the dollars are going their way
Why should we use public funding to promote one over the other?
They are probably being a bit facetious demanding “free” gas, but so few people these days are grounded in economics. There are no “free” charging stations; somebody is paying for it. In this case the taxpayer is subsidizing the EV owner. They even subsidize the purchase though tax rebates.
I obviously can’t tell you since I am not with the industry these days. And I believe there is some gouging. I like Chevron Supreme and I have seen in in town anywhere from $6.68 to $6.99.Most are $6.99.
AFAIK wholesale is wholesale although in the “old days” when there were “gas wars) (a loooong time ago, back in the…
Doesn’t say much for Darryl’s honesty. What do you think that gallon is costing the dealer, and how much to they have to sell to make up for Darryl’s “good fortune”?
Years ago though the 70s, my family did books for service stations, and 10 cents per gallon was a good margin - the dealer’s gross profit.
According to…
I am a Costco member, but the lines are so crazy I can’t see waiting for 20-30 minutes just to save a few $$. You’ll see them spilling out into the street, all waiting.
It should buff right out - no problem.
Guess I’m not the only one wondering this. It was pretty dumb leaving it in the middle of the interstate. I’d be willing to bet it was still movable.