When I was 18 and the 2002 came to this country (1968) , this was the car I lusted for. They were still imported by Max Hoffman. Should have kept a brochure. They were $2800 which was about $1,000 over my budget....
When I was 18 and the 2002 came to this country (1968) , this was the car I lusted for. They were still imported by Max Hoffman. Should have kept a brochure. They were $2800 which was about $1,000 over my budget....
Glad they were OK. That looked as scary as Jay’s spin out in Porsche (about 1:30).
Looked like the Barracuda simply turned sharp at too high a speed, in a chassis certainly not designed for turns.
Not in the US, according to my club magazine the MBCA Star.
The only thing I don’t like about the car is the engine. Come on Mercedes - a 2 liter 4 banger turbo is the only choice????
What i haven’t understood about this is that if the car never left neutral on a steep hill, you would think it would start rolling right away alerting the driver.
Between this guy’s delivery (Sgt Sominex) and his hyperbole sitting though that delivery is a slog.
Coupla thoughts. First, hat’s off to Ford. Their GT40 story is the story of a legend, and they could have rested on their laurels and played it safe. To take a new “GT40" and roll the dice, with the knowledge that they most likely would lose and have to start the road of improvement and sully the reputation (like the…
And they were in an old MB W123 - built like a tank so they would have all walked away
It’ a bit hard to feel sorry for Mrs Morales. That was dumb. Still the dealer was a sleazebag.
Good article Stef. I might add during that famous 1-2-3 finish Ken Miles **would** have won but the team manager asked them to line up for a 3 way photo finish. And the team manager didn’t realize that if it were theoretically “tied” 3 ways the results would go to the car that started furthest down on the field at the…
The answer for Bernie - stay away.
Very interesting. I don’t think they did this just to force F1 to see things their way and if they had gotten this far had at least intentions of racinkg at Indy.
My uncle had a C2J - 1946 - made by Ford. in fact at age 12 I learned how to drive it.
“My cars were meant to be driven”
Fluids and filters....and I’ll bet he doesn’t drag race it much
“It’s relatively simple,” Carpenter said. “Produce the same kind of race as always.” The opportunity to re-energize existing and dormant fans, Carpenter went on to say, was there among the sell-out crowd and increased media attention on the race.”
924S - the 924 was a dog - but the 944 at the time was what fans said the 924 should have been from the beginning. The 924S had the 944 engine.
If your ball lands next to him what are the rules?
For starters I believe there is no automatic timing advance - you advance the timing from a handle on the steering column.