
It’s amazing how many horrible people in the world seem to love things completely antithetical to their world views.

No, he most certainly wasn’t.

Well, you’re right about the first part anyway.

Lol society failed a gifted, popular athlete with an extremely bright future and a massive multi million dollar contract? Yeah, he drew a really bad hand. If only there was something society could have done for him. More adulation, more opportunities! None of this was his fault. /s

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

They get very territorial and proprietary about it, and they read things into relationships.

TBF, I would brag about receiving even a form letter from Michelle Obama too.

Agreed. But Collins looks silly bragging about receiving a form letter.

Is it?

No, it’s Solange.

Carrie would have wanted it that way.

I was too old for 1D. Harry is 10 years younger than me. But I so get why he’s attractive.


He doesn’t love himself so I don’t either.

There’s something about him that makes him seem like he’d have terrible breath but never think about it and also probably be a close talker.

Why exactly do I need to be wary? Instead can I just buy and play games that I like?

Too much of a mess, and not in a fun, “I’ll get some crazy stories out of this,” way. A few healthy years and maybe another good actor-director gig and I might change my mind.

Just shut up