
I’m pretty anti-prison, and I want real criminal justice reform, so the idea of an 18 year old being warehoused and incarcerated for four years is not an appealing one to me either.  

OMFG FINE, Is this written by (An american executive, vice president of gaming for microsoft)  or some dude who will align my chakras with a crystal? FTFY. And in 40 years when you are alone and nobody in the world cares about you, you will have this fond memory to keep you warm.

Funny. I want my games to be... Good. Length and amount of content have very little to do with that

Evergreen comment.

gamers are such fucking babies.

it’s a video game you play with friends to have fun. I recommend going outside.

I dunno, NoLimits and Sound Voltex aren’t released incomplete and broken every year, maybe you should just stop playing stupid fucking worthless ass shooters.

“little worm”

“deserve whatever vitriol that comes their way”

This is exactly the kind of toxicity that people are talking about. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

The game absolutely has problems and their decision to call things “legacy features” is confounding, but to say that they deserve what they get from

I’ve mentioned it here before, but this seems like a prime moment to weigh in as a cishet woman whose spouse came out as gay after we’d been married for ten years.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Did you type all that with a straight face? 

Did you mean to respond to the author of the article? Because it appears your rant is meant to be directed at another commenter.

Pizza delivery people have a more dangerous job than cops. And none of them demand to be let off the hook when they murder unarmed suspects. Get your tongue off that boot. 

“I hope you’re injured or killed because you dared to say mean things about the most innocent wonderful people of all: American law enforcement officers.”

SWAT, typically, doesn’t lay down shit. They come in after the fact because it’s the worst case scenario but the worst has already taken place. At best they take the shooter alive but only after someone has been harmed or killed. It’s usually after there is a body or two on the floor though that SWAT actually does


Absolutely, I have no idea why Kotaku keeps referencing the idea of a Switch Pro as a 4k Switch. All I want is a “runs consistently at a minimum of 30+fps and doesn’t have massive load times” Switch

Playing Switch games on a 4K TV sucks because while upscaling tech is better than ever, it ain’t a miracle worker.

Lol I was afraid no one would have any idea what I was talking about on here if I said leftbook. Like, I was so involved in that space for so long, then I abandoned social media and everyone I meet irl has no idea leftbook is a thing. And yeah, I remember sending a BAGEL PLACE of all things a screenshot of one of

So many salty crackers in this comments section, all that’s missing is some strong cheddar and a nice bottle of red. Maybe we should now call racist white people canapés or hors d’oeuvres instead of crackers? It should take those morons at least several decades to figure out it’s a new insult.

Laugh at us now, philistine, but remember you troglodytes also scoffed at cold fusion and flying cars!