
Not only the next four years, but for the foreseeable future. Politicians no longer have to worry about coding their hate speech in dog whistles. Trump has legitimized the KKK, the Nazi Party, and other right-wing hate groups to an extent that other politicians will be actively courting their vote.

Sorry, but new America was the brief period of time from about 1965 to yesterday when liberal policies had a chance to be enacted- Civil Rights, EPA, LGBTQ rights, etc. It ran against the grain of the "real" America's racism, sexism and xenophobia that dominated its politics for nearly 200 years.

How many more horrible things can 2016 heap on us? 2017 better be fucking amazing to make up for all of this.

Well, the standard Conservative line of thinking is that they've lost the last two presidential elections because their candidates weren't conservative enough, hence their constant lurches to the right, which end up taking the rest of the country with them.

Never to go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.