1st and 15

My favorite part is when he punches his helmet. Classic AJ Green.

Every other football player jogged right by the fans without issue. Jimmons is the only one who targets and levels him. At that point the fan’s location is not the issue any more than a civilian standing in a bank and getting victimized in a bank robbery is at fault for being in a bank.

I want this guy officiating NFL games ASAP!

Re: Email of the Week

“Yeah, but he’s not as good as Cody Kessler or DeShone Kizer!”

If Wentz’s escapery was limited to last night’s game, then maybe you would have a point.

I demand an asterisk* next to all of their so-called accomplishments.

The Sacramento Kings preview is brutal/accurate.

It will be bizarre to everyone when we learn that 50% of all Netflix streaming is composed of a small group of toddlers that watch Finding Dory over and over and over and over.

What? Does no one appreciate postmodern, experimental Baseball video art anymore? This country is going to hell.

But Godzilla is an animal, not an intelligent being with a consciousness. Could Force-users (if that’s the right term) manipulate animals’ minds? I don’t remember that being part of the deal.

I feel like this is a metaphor for the American political landscape at the moment.

Holding the “coarse” sounds painful. Like, is it made out of sandpaper or just some other rough-textured material? Must we hold it? If we must, can we wear gloves?

ESPN’s yearly revenue is $12.5 billion, however. $7.3 billion (or “BILLION” as you would say) sounds like a lot, except when its 5 billion less than your revenue.

Somehow, Eagles fans are still going to be blamed for this incident.

Glad that we finally discovered the true villain of the Harvey Weinstein story: Seth McFarlane.

Is a “tree lawn” a forest? I’m desperate to know now.

A dollar more? But my daughter needs to eat!

Avoid meat? But their broccoli taco sucks!

It was the middle of the night