
Those who sympathize with the white nationalist ideology but who deplore the violence should work closely with law enforcement to see that fellow travelers who may be prone to violence do not have access to firearms like semiautomatic assault-style weapons that are massively destructive.

Much as I always want to revel in the utter incompetence of these idiots, this half-assed explanation actually makes me think that they got fucked with. You really can’t find that image accidentally. Searching google images for “presidential seal” in a variety of ways turns up shitloads of... the actual presidential

I think he Jumped the Shark when he had Harry Potter turn out to be the Antichrist and is defeated by Mary Poppins, who is God.

An absolute legend. No one in the medium has even close to his record of writing rape scenes that don’t need to be there. Enjoy retirement, Mr. Moore.

America doesn’t have a far left movement.

Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.

It’s been SEVEN years since Bendis did the O5 time travel thing. SEVEN.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

He was obviously rooting for Cersei, since she also screwed a brother.

This game does NOT encourage experimenting with alternative armor and weapon sets. The resource requirements to upgrade everything, even every 10 levels, is absolutely insane. There’s no way you could keep several sets and weapons current to your level without massive grinding, and it’s a damn shame.

Watch Drogon only be mildly inconvenienced or unhittable by the scorpions next week.

Really bad writing killed Rhaegal.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

Out of all the complaints about last night’s episode, Arya slipping into the Godswood wasn’t that surprising. She was trained as an assassin and learned how to be as stealthy as possible. She also knew Winterfell better than anyone so she probably knew how to get there as fast and as quietly as possible.

The Night King doesn’t feel like a villain.  He’s more like a natural disaster, or Godzilla.  I like that he didn’t start explaining himself in a pleasant baritone.

This is the best scene from the best MCU drama. Guardians wins the comedy category, but Winter Soldier is by far the best drama.

What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

If you want to get really cynical, Tony Stark having significant character development and status quo shakeups in his solo series only for all of it to get completely shat on by some other writer who just wants to make a big dumb crossover event, is actually peak Marvel Comics.

I mean, if you can do 100 pushups/situps/squats and a 10k run then you’re already in pretty damn good shape.

Unacceptable lack of Mark Hamill in there.

You guys ever read that comic by Warren Ellis called Transmetropolitan?

I swear to fuck we’re inching closer and closer to that reality. The headline to this article could’ve oh-so-easily been a throwaway joke headline from that series, and 20 years ago I would’ve been all “Ha ha Warren sure has a crazy view of the