wizzard of xxxx

I recently saw a side by side of Madonna and Susanna Hoffs (same age) and....lets just say maybe stay away from the knife a little. 

I don’t care that she’s older, or whatever, so what.  Can we just not pretend that surgery like hers is good?  It looks like shit, and people are doing it all the time.  Aged or not, it’s just bad.  There are definitely people out there hating on her for her age, not questioning that, but this pillow face look that is

Because the reverb of a football stadium set up for a football game is not the same as it is for a concert. Everyone lip syncs their performances for Superbowl. EVERYONE. What I think would be an issue is if she lip synced someone else performing the song. What she did though is lip sync a performance she created

They do remember the national outrage when Obama wore a brown suit, right?

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Alright but you can’t include the picture but leave out the phrase “holy fucking bingle” which is now going to be in my vocabulary

I came here ready to hate the material, but that’s actually pretty funny.

It’s as if being an abusive dick has a type or something....? 

Just wanted to note how sweet it is that Prinze seems so proud of his wife. Shouldn’t be unusual, but it makes me happy. 

Just as long as we can still get some more “James May, Our Man In...” shows, I’ll be satisfied.

now imagine in the conservative dream scenario where the armed teacher now would have to make the decision to shoot a 6 year old student

This is just astonishing. Like somehow it is a worse dragging through the mud than I expected. At this point I don’t even see how McCarthy could function as the Speaker as he would have basically ceded all power to a vocal minority of the Republicans. Also Jesus Christ it must be infuriating for the ‘moderate’

This is officially beyond uncomfortable and humiliating and, I’m here for it

For clarity, the term “heir and the spare” is hardly new and generally refers to how the “spare” is given less attention and training than the “heir.” The spare’s purpose is just to exist in the line of inheritance until they become even more irrelevant with the birth of further heirs. Of course it’s derisive.

The day she supposedly took her life was the day she told ME she was being committed for a month under the supervision of her psychiatrist. I was her editor. In August she had told me that she had been placed on a 72 hour hold while they adjusted her meds. At the beginning of September, she was leaving the book world

We have entered the millennial fuckboy era of bond 

“It’s a shame. It makes us look foolish. If I didn’t know any better, it’s like the Democrats paid these people off... Let’s make it look like the Republicans can’t govern and don’t deserve any gavels whatsoever. That’s what it makes it look like.”

I actually had this done back in September, but I’m a trans woman, and it was part of a larger facial feminization surgical process (I actually just had a second facial surgery last week). I fortunately was knocked out for the process, as the surgeons make incisions on the insides of your cheeks to remove the buccal

I and my family are “cheeky” people. Plump, round cheeks. Faces like cherubs. We make the cutest babies. Removing my cheeks feels like denying my people. Also, I look 10 years younger with my cheeks.