wizzard of xxxx


It's not funny, it's insulting. Go to ANY gaming convention and you will find plenty of male and female players of all types. I go to a convention every year that happens at the same time as a big football kickoff, and I know that the nerds get more freaky sex than the jocks.

When does it come out in the States?

I picked up the first TP because I heard such good things about it. Fell in love instantly and bough the rest the next day. I'm not even a huge fan of horror, but I love this series so much!

Stupid youtube not working in office! Now I have to wait til I get home to watch the greatness =(

Is Sandra Lee gonna cut a bitch? What happened to the person that released this?

They totally brought her into the show to stir the shit soup

I will have to try that next time. Thank you!

Maybe she'll do a sock tutorial and I'll finally find out how to avoid that annoying hole at the gusset. I need my socks to be perfect dammit, not have holes in them!

Well thank god Panthro is finally coming back, because Tygra's doing a shitty job of bitch-slapping Lion-O into submission. Panthro was always my favorite!


As someone whose MIL hoards dogs (she's got almost 30 in the backyard) and has tried to help her get her shit together multiple times over the years, I totally get where the fiancee is coming from. I'm surprised she even let the mother bring all that crap into the house at all.

5 bucks says he stays around until he's done everyone on of the things on their list and then Mary Poppins up out of that bitch.

How many timelines have they gone through now? I stopped watching after the 3rd season, but I loved the orginal timeline.

The Battletech guys were at Dragon*Con last year, running the games 24/7 over 4 days.

As a life-long fan of MLP I welcome MLP-FIM and our Brony friends.

Where else have I seen tiny little blue men in kilts?

My thoughts as well.

It's got cheek-en legsssss

I have a FB photo album FULL of last years show, because I had 200+ pics of it. It's one of my favorite events ;)