wizzard of xxxx

Oh yay I'm not crazy!

I thought co-sleeping was when the crib attached to the side of the parents bed and the baby slept in crib. Apparently I am wrong on this.

I feel asleep from drunkeness during the 2nd movie using this game. It makes the movie so much better.

In honor of Transformers 3, I will give to you all my super-secret Transformers drinking game

Lisbeth approved.

I plan on watching this movie the same way I watched TF2: drunk off my ass.

Remember this is coming from the woman who thought that a roast was a good idea for a date. She be crazy.

Why did he not tell anyone else the magical Pope method for bringing them down? That seems like it's IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE that should be shared so all the fighters can use it.

They're probably doing the 'fat' thing because they've done everything else. Trying to murder people, holding immigrants hostage to makeover their house, trying to bang the dude they grew with as their dad to get money...the bar can only go so low, so they have to dig under it.

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

Basically the group was made to please the Akibahara fanboys. Japan is weird with it's pop stars.

AKB48 has at present 58 full members of the band that are broken down into 4 'teams'. So if they took bits and pieces from every girl they had a whole heck of a lot to work with. I'm surprised it didn't turn out like Frankenstien's monster.

(for those not wanting to go to Adam's website)

To those idiots from a few weeks ago who thought babies needed to be raised by blood relatives: You really think it would be better for a baby to be raised around dope users, yelling, screaming, fighting, and turmoil than by a loving family who would take care of a baby in the best way possible? That is the optimal

So 2%? A few of them said it was a good theory to teach, but they didn't personally believe in it, which is fine...so maybe 20% of people know about the scientific community, but the majority did not seem well informed about the subject (which is probably because they weren't taught anything about it).

"I don't believe in evolution"

How many out of the 50 do you think even knows about the scientific community?

But if he giggled like a child over a mountain of baseball bats it would still be creepy.

I think it was the giant mountains of dolls that they found in bags hidden away. I'm an anime fan and have tons of dolls/toys but I display them and don't collect them to get a high and then put them up when the high goes away.

Did Jeremy Clarkson have anything to do with this? The only thing it's missing is a zen meditation garden.