wizzard of xxxx

Why is Malcom McDowell not hanging out in the bathtub with his fellow droog?

The truth, you speak it!

Awesomeness! I love the South =)

I am not an adult baby, just an adult, and I play with LEGOS. Actually if you let a real baby play with LEGOS you're just asking for a choking baby.

Yeah this is one of those things where it's best to keep your mouth shut. Which I will be doing.

Dude huge internet hug to you. I don't know whats going on, but I hope everything will work out the way you want it.

Is it bad that as soon as I finished the first sentence I skipped down to the bottom 'cause I knew the question? I don't think I have a romantic bone in my body.

Amen to that!

Hentai is really no fun unless you're yelling at the screen about the insanity. Otherwise it gets a little creppy and than hand-checks are called for.

I bought over 20 cases of the 125 yr celebration Dr. Pepper when it came out. I'm not sure if it's the same as the Dublin, but it was some the best DP I ever had in my life. I'm still sad it's gone...

Saw this yesterday on #groupthink and it still makes me rage. The fact that this non-issue is even being brought up by a nosy parent makes me want to hit a pillow (or a parent).

Dr. Pepper shits out better soda than Pepsi and Coke combined.

Yeah I host at my clubs free anime con (FreeCon). I also know the woman who hosts hentai at Dragon*Con. I love hentai so much because it is INSANE.

Don't forget some women corset to get smaller waists on purpose. I heard about one girl who got herself down to13 inches.

My husband showed me this last night. As a woman who hosts a hentai (anime porn) panel at a convention every year I approve! Also the woman in the tank top is my new favorite person ever, she is so awesome!

BOOYAH! Seriously once she started sleeping with anybody who looked at her, that series started to suck.

There's never enough Discworld love on i09 IMO. It should be topping all these lists.

I know right! At least Reign of Fire had a comprehensible storyline as well as STAR WARS: the medieval play

A dino-topia perhaps?