wizzard of xxxx

Just finished reading the whole thing. I definitely will read the whole book when it comes out, as I am now hooked. But this is the exact reason I would never trust a long-run cryo ship in the hands of humans and their decedents.

@SonicNurse: Maybe she'll get arrested like that one Teen Mom. I don't know why she would assault someone when she KNOWS that she's being filmed. Horrible woman.

Our only local record store closed a year ago. I would have run out and got this in an instant if I could. I also have a record player, so this doubly sucks.

Did Lost Girl get cancelled? If not, it should totally be on this list as it is all about the fantasy.

@xdeathknightx: Also the awesome Steampunk episode. And Fillion being awesome. And it actually being watchable unlike most new cop shows. Castle is awesome!

So in the new episode of Fringe does Walter take all the good agents toy/candy shopping? Because that's what's happening in my head.

@MonkeyT: I just hope she lasts longer than Rose. I'm getting sick of this companion-go-round the new series is one. Just when you start to like one of them....BOOM gone for som reason.

@Mila: And since they can come out of the screen now, we're all gonna be displaced in time. Thanks Moffet!

@Penny: It skeeves me out as well. I watched the very first ep. thinking it would hilarious and it was the lady who had 5+ old meat in her freezer. I went on a cleaning binge of my fridge that night. Yuck

@Ginger Gal: No, but I have some very nice sinkholes you can have. They're apocalyptic!

@Titania: I'm allergic to cats as well, and it sucks when there's a bookstore cat. I once bought a book (I don't even remember why) and brought it home, only to discover at some point the cat used it as bed. Sneezing and itchy eyes all over the place.

The cuteness is overwhelming!

@GalaxyGlued: The speical snowflake thing isn't about the kids, it's about the parents. Every single kid I've ever met and worked with is exciting and entirely different than kid that I've worked with before.

@GalaxyGlued: I know it sucks to have kids with something that parent can't explain, I've seen it happen many times where I work. But I also see the difference between the kids who get help and the kids who don't.

@CoalMineCanary: Have you met her sister Dried Plum yet? She's very sweet.

I just love how all the sheeple are changing their tune. "Oh yes, vaccines are the reason my special snowflake has autism, it's not genetic!" and now they're all "Oh no my speical snowflake had the measles, the mump, and other assorted 18th cen. problems. BLAME HIM."

@doit2julia: every single time I watch that movie, the rape scene surprise me.

This is disgusting. I understand why the writer wanted it in the book (warning for the youngins) but the execution is horrible. It just seems that they're validating the guys behaviors with the way it's depicted.

@dr_bambi: Franklin Mott, the one who's all creepy over Tara. There's just something in his accent that reminds me of Neil Gaiman reading one of his stories.