
Its sad that tolerating nonviolent racists is a controversial issue here.

AV Club Limosuine Liberal Terrorists are left holding the bag. So sad.

Obama is longwinded? Shocking!

But he hugged black children!!!

Poor AV Club. Mainstream Democrats are rushing to oppose Antifa now and you guys are left holding the bag.

Gotta keep those SJWs frothy!

He has already explained this story at least twice, one of them in his SNL Monologue.

I hope Eminem sings his early stuff.

AV Club writers will tell you when some piece of SJW crap is played out or not, comrade.

But its all a lie according to the genius lefties on this site.

Kinja is the poop fetish guy in this scenario.

The guy doesn’t even like Trump. Called him a Jew lover.

Hey Hey Hey!

AV Club is a Web-Basket of Deplorables!
