
You have to pay for your own ambulance? Not an American, hence the question.

There are still lots of people with little or no medical insurance, because they can’t afford it (or, more likely in this case: cutting corners in the wrong places). That Uber ride probably saved her at least $500.

Not sure why you think staples aren’t commonly used to close a variety of minor and major wounds.

A friend brought me to a SoulCycle class once and I am 100% not surprised no one helped or called an ambulance. This woman there told me that anyone that comes between you and your exercise is LITERALLY TRYING TO KILL YOU because, according to her, fat people are jealous and don’t want other people to make them feel

I’ve taken one SoulCycle class. (I’m an outdoor cyclist and have taken thousands of regular spinning classes, but one SoulCycle class was enough for me - the branding doesn’t justify the expense. Two SoulCycle classes cost more than my monthly gym membership and spin classes don’t cost extra at my gym.) There were

I bet she didn’t because, lets be honest, that Uber was way cheaper than an ambulance ride. Now why no one else called an ambulance, I don’t know.

People in a cult?

There is so much wtf-ery in this story. Who the fuck lets a woman who just had her leg impaled catch a fucking Uber to the hospital?

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

So in his frenzy to misdirect away from all of the garbage we already know he has done, he has accidentally pointed us towards something even worse that he has done.

I’ll pop the corn - this is gonna be epic.

I must add that I’ve been able to piece together this much of the story in just the last 3 hours (THAT MANY sources have been talking!). Imagine how much dirt - including what’s in all these FBI/CIA/NSA case files - is yet to come this week.

This is a whopper of a mistake by Trump. The Feds had him (and his mob family) under investigation for some time, with respect to Russian money laundering. A year ago, they sought a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump Tower but the judge refused it for insufficient evidence.

It’s actually kind of funny because Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn who was McCarthy’s right hand man.

Not to mention the fact that Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was McCarthy’s right hand man.

I said this on a previous article, but I do think his freaking out about this and members of his campaign the past few days all of a sudden remembering meetings with the Russian ambassador lead me to believe they found out there was a FISA warrant.

Robert Reich lays out the options as being threefold:

McCheetoism. We are in an era of McCheetoism.

It’s the “No, you are!” defense.

Or, conversely, a wiretap — FISA or otherwise — was authorized, which means a judge found probably cause of wrongdoing in the first place.