
Don’t appropriate turtles to further your own cause.

There is no actual genetic differences (that we are yet aware of) that cause a person to be trans, current theories point to neurological structures which form our brains basic understanding of what our body should be and that these are influenced by shifts in hormones or other factors during natal development. there

Especially when you’ve known someone along time before he/she transitioned. Mistakes happen and it’s hard to break the habit. But choosing to ignore someone’s preference is completely different

Thank you. If I looked male but corrected someone that I was actually female, you wouldn’t say “but you look like a guy,” if the person was cis female. That would be rude. Same rule applies.

I’ve yet to meet someone who gets upset when you inadvertently slip up with pronouns. People are usually understanding that it’s confusing at first. But refusing to comply with a pronoun request or willfully deciding to ignore it is just not cool and that’s what people get upset about

Really dude? This is like the people who argued that allowing gay marriage would open up people marrying snakes or buildings or what not.

Oh Jesus! Compassion? Clutch your pearls, these are truly end times.

While discussing the Luke Cage series, a buddy of mine wondered out loud “If there were really white folks that freaked out over the blackness of Luke Cage, what are they going to do with the Black Panther movie?”

Several commenters seem to be confused on which pronoun to use, even though your article used the correct pronoun. Should I go through and correct these people or should I just tell them to do a better job at reading articles?

Harper’s face the entire time is fantastic. Mimicked my face almost exactly.

Shaun Harper’s face at the “He’s not trying to be the Pope.” comment.

I’m tired of my Facebook feed getting cluttered with false equivalency. “Both candidates are bad, can we get a do over? Lol!”

I don’t know what’s better, Brooke’s reactions near the end, or Shaun Harper’s face at the “He’s not trying to be the Pope.” comment.

Listen, if there’s any positive thing to come out of this election it’s that these people are coming forward and identifying themselves. What we gotta do now is wait til the election is over, find these people, tag their ears, and notify the general public that those who are tagged are not to be trusted as teachers,

Still not as stupid as Susan Hutchinson dismissing his comments because “he was a democrat at the time”.

We don’t need to hear from both sides if one side is batshit crazy and their stance is indefensible. This is how Republicans are winning and manipulating the system. This is done for the sake of “good television,” and Trump supports get to go on the air and shout out talking points and memes to reinforce the “I hate

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”